
New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Use Once and Destroy is the cd

Kick fucken ass

Phil from Pantera on guitar and vox, and HANK WILLIAMS THE 3RD on bass(3rd generation country legend. I dont like them, but that family lives music).

This shit is boarder line BLACK......very agressive, I LIKE IT.

Its better than DOWN IMO.

CHeck into this band.
As the Overlord of Viking Metal, a division of Black Metal, I decree these men worthy of a listen. I'll report back soon with praise/critique.
SOme of it is VERY heavy and agressive..yeah ZANEX.go get it man......Look into tHIUNDERPUSSY a bit more......as well.

The black influence that im hearing is the WITCHY vox. and the weird rythems..its a must have for someone who likes hardcore, but with a bit of melody.

If you get the cd before 10000 copies are sold, you get 2 bonus songs...18 songs on this cd.

2 or 3 songs, you cant understand a thing PHIL is saying, not even with the lyrics hahahahah.
I've heard some stuff of Superjoint Ritual's...THEY TOTALLY KICK ASS!Really heavy and fast and loud and aggressive shit there.I read that Phil Anselmo has 8 bands that he's woking w/beside Pantera.How the hell does someone work that hard?One of his bands is black metal,they've got a really cheesey Norwiegn name-Viking Crown...I don't know about anyone else,but I just can't see Phil playing black metal.Ya know,all the corpse paint,black leather,shrieking vocals,lyrics about Satan and vampires,ect.It's just too unlike him.
Well, he is a satanist
and his house id FULL of horror parafanalia.

He has upside down crosses over his bed, with pro satan verses on them

He has a 4 by 6 foot pic of ZSANDAR on his wall.

And his wife is teh leader of the southern seperation group

Nothing he does suprises me.

I thought he had 5 bands. hmm

I read soem stuff on him THIS week...thats why i got the cd.
Eeeeeeehhhh,maybe I can see Phil playing black metal since he's a Satanist w/all the parophenalia,that sounds totally awesome.But if someone has 9 bands that they're working with,you can't expect them to take each one totally seriously,can you?
(I want an upside down cross above my bed)
Yeah, He's seems to be tryin to get attention right now.

The whole story i read was pretty weird and stuff.

Im tired of his big frown face, i wonder when i see pics if he is about to cry.

BUt i will listen to his stuff. I dont see his stuff as stuff that will keep me interested for no longer than a few months, but what the hell, its a few months at least