a sample of my edit of the Maidens

That looks absolutely great!!! The only problem I found with it was the sound was kinda fuzzy and I couldn't really hear what Wanda was saying. I could hear Aja ok but the only thing I heard Wanda say was something about Derek Riggs. Other than that it looks really, really well done!! :D
Yeah the sound is not the best>Wanda was mentioning Riggs did their CD cover art.

What's up with the rest oof you??Haven't you check it out??Give me some feed back DAMMIT!!:mad:
Aside from the marginal audio it's a really good job. However, I'm well aware of what a challenge it is in that environment to get decent sound with a portable camera.

Will we be able to see the entire episode at some point down the line?

Looks great to me but as the others said, well you know..... the sound quality thing; however that leads me to a question, how does one get good sound recordings in 'live' enviroments? I've heard some that were great, does it just depend on the equipment used or are there other factors?
Looks great to me but as the others said, well you know..... the sound quality thing; however that leads me to a question, how does one get good sound recordings in 'live' enviroments? I've heard some that were great, does it just depend on the equipment used or are there other factors?

One huge factor is at a concert can the microphone handle the SPL (sound pressure level).
I've found my little camera really can't handle too much.

Best sounds I have gotten are right up front away from the main house speakers Such as the Aces High shot at Angels, and the Revelations clip from Paladinos. The other best was Blue Cafe and the Galaxy Theater which were not as loud out front. They all still have "saturation" but not as bad. Canes here in San Diego I get shitty sound, Tap Daddy's was shitty but I was right in the throw of Wanda's cabinet and it annihilated the camera. I liked it though. :headbang: Location is a key thing sometimes.

Second Wind was pretty good for audio but other factors negated posting any footage.

If your camera can use an external microphone, get one that can handle the up to 120db of sound of a concert. Otherwise the mic is saturated and sounds muddy as hell.

I have seen folks with heavy duty rigs shooting footage at shows.

If your camera can use an external microphone, get one that can handle the up to 120db of sound of a concert. Otherwise the mic is saturated and sounds muddy as hell.

I have seen folks with heavy duty rigs shooting footage at shows.

Rumor has it that you can buy a headset volume adjustor and it works as a bass rolloff with an external mic, reducing or getting rid of the muddy sound (aka clipping). http://www.radioshack.com/product/i...kw=headphone+volume+control&parentPage=search

Most mics can't handle 120, so using a bass rolloff is a more economical method for using an inferior mic. Using a headset volume adjustor (with the volume turned all the way up) is an even cheaper method.

Not sure how well it works, but I do know a guy in NH who regular tapes gigs this way with a cheap 95 db mic and the Radio Shack volume adjustor, and the recordings come out at an 8/10 or "B" sound.