a 'shit's gunna change' meeting at noon

i think my supervisor is at one of these.
i think it's also a 'amanda is going to quit if we don't stop fucking with her' meeting.
goathorror: how on earth did i miss this chee-to thread?
seipptastic: NO IDEA
goathorror: the fact that they are spelling it chee-to is scary enough
seipptastic: iowa is a fucking goldmine
goathorror: i swear, it really is
goathorror: meanwhile, poor jake is probably getting fired
seipptastic: oh shit
seipptastic: no he can't get fired
seipptastic: his father in law owns the company
goathorror: that's terrible
goathorror: imagine if his FATHER-IN-LAW got fired
goathorror: y'know, iowa
seipptastic: LOLOLOLOLOL
goathorror: me too
goathorror: i dunno, i can picture his father-in-law with a comical "o" shaped mouth after they tell him at the meeting he called
seipptastic: he's been DOWNSIZED