A show in Norway...


Oct 24, 2002
What Im really wondering is why you've never done a show in Norway...?
Dont you ever think of your nice Metal loving Viking brothers in the west?

Its all nice and stuff that you get to play in North American and the big festivals in Germany, Im really happy that you are able to do that...but dont you think you should pay a little attention to us poor bastards here in Northern Europe too?
Im I very wrong if I say that you are about to embark on your third North American tour this year?
And still you yet have to play in Norway...the country that feeds a great deal of the Swedes along the border, with our craving for cheap food (meat).

Im sure you will pack a full house here...Ill even show up in a full Viking outfit, and Ill even carry my sword and Daneaxe (if Im able to get them through the door ;) )

I hope that you soon will find the time to show us poor Metalheads here, what real music is supposed to sound like...
Surprizingly enough, we dont have many Metal shows here...coming up now is Iron Maiden (this wedensday and thursday :D), Immortal will be playing at a couple of the summer festivals, and then I dont think there is anything until Moshfest with Windir and Mörk Gryning in September :(
Well, it's not all that easy to get shows in Scandinavia all together. It's not like we can just hop into a car and take off to Norway, stop at Karl-Johann and ask at the first club or pub we see if we can play there. We have to be contacted by an organizer who is interested in booking us for a show. When that happens, I promise we'll come to Norway.
Hell, I'm part Norwegian myself, and I think it would fucking awesome to play in my "second home country" sometime! The sooner the better!
Yes though first we have to make a peasant revolution against the alchohol market of those two countries..oh, let's add Finland too...
Nah you see, no pain`-no gain. Only the rich boy fagz can afford much booze (or coke?) over here. Fykkin' fascist goverment, let's all vote for some extremist hippie Socialist party.
Patric said:
Nah you see, no pain`-no gain. Only the rich boy fagz can afford much booze (or coke?) over here. Fykkin' fascist goverment, let's all vote for some extremist hippie Socialist party.

So come in Italy, where even the beggars can get drunk everyday!!! Hey, fuck! Seems a kind of commercial! :hotjump:
Patric said:
Nah you see, no pain`-no gain. Only the rich boy fagz can afford much booze (or coke?) over here. Fykkin' fascist goverment, let's all vote for some extremist hippie Socialist party.
Yeah right, the socialists are very likely to lower the alcohol taxes.

But come on, you've all got too high a standard. 9,90 kr./0,5 l for Sofiero.
Patric said:
Why would I pay 9,90 kr for a can of piss when I could stay home and buy 30 superb brews for 130 kr?
Imagine that you, like I, don't have 30 superb brews @ 130 kr, and I think you might see the picture ;)
BTW, after a can or two all beer tastes the same anyway.