A special announcement from Gus G. regarding ProgPower USA this year!


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Those who have followed FIREWIND's career since the early days, know that
our first singer was Stephen Fredrick. I actually never met him during
recording or writing sessions and we never did a show with him. Yet our
first 2 albums are very special and Stephen's performances on "Between
Heaven & Hell" and "Burning Earth" now have a legendary reputation.

Stephen also happens to live in Atlanta. That's where our last stop on our
US tour will be at the famous (and now sold out!) ProgPower festival.

We thought we'd put something special together for ProgPower and I can
confirm to you here and now that Stephen will join us on stage on October
6th for the first time ever to perform some FIREWIND tunes from the first 2

We're all very excited about this as this is a "once in a lifetime" reunion
with our former singer.

See u all soon!
Holy Shit!!!!! Stephen Fredrick is one of my favorite singers, and the stuff he did on the first two FIREWIND cds is awesome. This is turning into on of the best PP ever, thanks to Glenn and Gus G. for this special attraction.
That is so AWESOME!

I was actually wondering to myself how Firewind's older material would sound with Apollo's vocals, and I began to doubt that it would sound right (like ripper doing old IE).

This is an awesome suprise, and yet another amazing bonus to all of us who are attending the best fest. ever!!:headbang:
Great news and kudos to the current singer to allow this to happen and not have an ego so big to squash a truly special moment.
Wow! That's awesome! This is certainly going to be one of (if not) the most special and memorable ProgPowers ever. Not only do we get a killer line-up, but with all the special "once-in-a-lifetime" sets and guest appearances, this year is sure to kick major ass! :headbang:
Each year, ProgPower gets better...:worship: if the excitement goes any higher I am going to buy astronaut diapers!
Glenn, you should call Steve Wynn and get yourself a magic show in Vegas.:) I'm serious!:headbang: :headbang: You've pulled out more rabbits out of your hat in the last week than Ziegfried and Roy has in their careers. This is becoming the biggest metal event in history. I am just left to wonder what the next rabbit out of that hat will be?

Maybe Mark Jansen rejoining AF for a one off?

I am at the edge of my seat waiting. This is gonna be great! :kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang:

Great job, Glenn!:worship: :worship: :worship:

Ray C.
Thanks for the kind words folks. I'll be honest and say that I was very motivated by the naysayers last year. As for the Firewind reunion, all the credit should go to Gus.