a testament to my boredom at work


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i have completed my own personal "best of" cd for rhapsody:

The Mightiest of Rhapsody

Disc 1

  • In Tenebris
  • Knightrider of Doom
  • Queen of the Dark Horizons
  • Triumph of My Magic Steel
  • Holy Thunderforce
  • Virgin Skies
  • Land of Immortals
  • Epicus Furor
  • Emerald Sword
  • Dargor Shadowlord of the Black Mountain
  • The Dark Tower of Abyss
  • Agony Is My Name
  • Echoes of Tragedy
  • Lord of the Thunder
  • The Mighty Ride of the Firelord

Disc 2

  • Lux Triumphans
  • Dawn of Victory
  • Rage of the Winter
  • The March of the Swordmaster
  • Flames of Revenge
  • Heroes of the Lost Valley
  • Eternal Glory
  • Ira Tenax
  • Warrior of Ice
  • The Wisdom of the Kings
  • Power of the Dragonflame
  • Beyond the Gates of Infinity
  • Forest of Unicorns
  • Rain of a Thousand Flames
  • The Wizard’s Last Rhymes
Hey, at least you have a job. I've been watching Days of our Lives and Passions for the last month. I know who the Salem Stalker is (It's Marlena, but everyone's too stupid to figure it out even thought the evidence is right in front of them, arggh.) That's pretty sad. I need a job. Hey, anyone know anybody who's hiring?
I am been told last morning that my company is scinding and the obligations they told me when hiring me were no longer valid and that I will most probably lose my job at the end of March, when the contract I work on finishes. I am happy, happy, happy.
The good news, is that after one day of looking for a job I have two interviews next week. I had an interview last week, and I am pretty sure I got the job. Problem is that the Union of three quarters of the workforce went on strike the day after my interview...