A to the I to the D!! tomorrow night!!

So jealous man, these guys haven't been to Australia in a few years now. I'm still spinning the Powerless Rise and loving it more each time I listen to it. Bought the "This is Who We Are" DVD not long ago as well and the live footage is awesome.

If you can please tell them to get there asses back here ASAP that would be much appreciated.
Hey man you missed them, they came earlier this year! I saw them in March in Perth. I wish that they had waited to come back here after they released The Powerless Rise though, because it was just the same setlist as times before, and now they're not going to come back for a while I guess.

If you can please tell them to get there asses back here ASAP that would be much appreciated.

Yeah do it.
Hey man you missed them, they came earlier this year! I saw them in March in Perth. I wish that they had waited to come back here after they released The Powerless Rise though, because it was just the same setlist as times before, and now they're not going to come back for a while I guess.

Oh thats right I forgot about that! When they played here in QLD they only played a really small christian festival which was hours away. Was pretty annoyed they didn't play any shows in Brisbane city which is where I am. But i'm way more keen now that TPR is out. That album will sound great live.
haha, i remember seeing this thread last night and knowing what you meant lol... friend of mine just got off tour doing monitors for em, said it was a blast
oh man!! last night was a blast! and it was loud as hell too. The warehouse was about 30 meters by 60 meters (figure it out americans haha) and they had 5 JBL vertec (2 x 15in) on each side and 4 of the VRX's (12in) for the people in the very front of the stage. the console was a Yamaha MCL7.

I actually congratulated AILD's sound guy for doing such a fine job. (he was amazed that i even took the time to congratulate him, he says no one ever cares for the sound guy haha :lol:...tell me about it) the other bands sounded good but the vocals were always buried, and the kick was on top of everything. But AILD sounded really good, everything in the mix was perfect.

Great show, great guys and the thing the most impressed me, was the way Jordan Mancino treats his drums...he is so delicate! he takes them down himself, and put them into their cases. the other guys are taking pictures and signing autographs and they have people who picks up their crap, but this guy has someone to do this for him, but he still does it himself. I thought that was awesome.