A vast Right-wing conspiracy?


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
Visit site
I do believe, there is something afoot. Ever notice that John, Frank or Rob never post any views/comments on the website?

Outside of an ocassional interview elsewhere, 3/5 of the band is curiously silent.

What is up with that?

Cat got there tongue?

:Puke: is fun!
Originally posted by vomit
I do believe, there is something afoot. Ever notice that John, Frank or Rob never post any views/comments on the website?

Outside of an ocassional interview elsewhere, 3/5 of the band is curiously silent.

What is up with that?

Cat got there tongue?

:Puke: is fun!

It's always been that way. Scott and Charlie have always done the majority of talking for the band.
Prior to Anthrax entering the studio for the new recordings, John Bush was everywhere. He would guest host on KNAC all the time and would actually hop in the chat room while he was on the air. The dude who I have thought has the best voice in metal....don't know why, but his voice just fuckin gives me goose bumps and makes me want to run into things....actually answered a couple of my questions. I am 32 years old and I was so psyched it was like I was a 10 year old girl at an N'SYNC concert......

Little known facts:

John Bush is a technophobic. He refuses to use a computer or anything to do with technology.
Frank Bello is a mute. He can't speak. And because of that reason his pride won't allow him to chat on a computer either.
Rob Caggiano doesn't speak a word of english. So he can't respond on online either.

[The More That You Know]

*This is a joke.
Originally posted by HotRodFlamedJJ2
Little known facts:

John Bush is a technophobic. He refuses to use a computer or anything to do with technology.
Frank Bello is a mute. He can't speak. And because of that reason his pride won't allow him to chat on a computer either.
Rob Caggiano doesn't speak a word of english. So he can't respond on online either.

[The More That You Know]

*This is a joke.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You, uh... didn't fool me for a second. :spin: