A word of thanks from the Bloodbrawl guys


Thrasher Dave's Pimp
Sep 29, 2008
Matt, Ol, Ben and Mike

Just a short message from Dave and myself, to let you know our admiration and respect for you guys! You are one of the most down to earth and funny guys I think we've both met, you're a great source of inspiration for guys like us as we're sure you are to many bands out there! I don't mean to sound like a fanboy as I write this haha! but Dave and myself are in an appreciative mood, so good luck with the tour, we will DEFINITELY be seeing you when you come to Sheffield, hopefully speak to you guys then or something anyways BloodBrawl wishes you guys the best of luck, and could you pass this onto Ben and Mike?

Greg (and Dave)
I'll happily add to this :)

... What Greg said. But seriously, you lads have been blood(brawl)y awesome to us over the past year-and-a-bit and I think we just wanna let you know that none of its getting taken for granted or going unappreciated. No kudos and help from you guys = no Bloodbrawl, simple. And despite the fact that this album has taken well over a year and a half to do (!?) its only gotten this far because you gave us an upwards push and helped keep our spirits up.

The way we look at it, y'all are friends first. And you're musicians and business associates (LOL) second, despite the fact that we're massive fans of the music. I still can't believe that you've actually got a signed, I remember going to buy Enter the Grave when it came out and it felt so weird doing so since I'd heard you guys at least two years beforehand (the Kilelr from the Deep demo on your myspace - good times!). Y'all got our full support and if you ever need absolutely anything - be it favours, money, guitar strings, beard wax, whatever - we'll happily try to deliver :D

Okay, rant over. I'm starting to get teary eyed, never felt like having to say anything like this before :lol:

But yeah, we love you guys :) In the least gay way possible!