
You know, I may need to jump on this... I've currently got no drummer and have been programming the drums for my band's EP... very cool...


Thanks! Is this Marlon's friend Colton by chance? If so, whuttup dude! haha

By the way, for those that may be interested in the service, Lyle will be available for session work on or before December 1st. He is back in town as I type this but I'm not up to speed on his Thanksgiving plans, can only say Dec. 1 and after is definitely open.

Sorry to bump your thread but I just saw this and yes, it is I. How goes it? I've been lurking here for years so I finally decided to set-up an account. I had no clue you were 006 until just recently, haha. I think this a great idea for the two of you. Any luck with this endeavor yet? I hope everyone in SA is doing well. I haven't really chilled with anyone since the last Faceless show in November.
Hi, 006. I have been programing midi drums parts for about a year now, and I like about 70% of what I've done. What would you charge to "quality control" my allready laid down midi drums (no real drum audio files, just manipulate and edit my midi events to sound like a real drummer) I will then place drum samples over the midi file events. Seems like you wouln't charge as much for this as opposed to as actually playing drums.
You can reply in this tread, or PM me
can you post some clips when you are done recording HandsOdDespair... im very interested...I just wanna hear how the raw drums sound! :)