Abbath Guitar "Lesson" On Demand


Oct 13, 2005
If you have Comcast Digital, check out the Abbath "lesson". He does it all sans corpse paint, and boy is he sloppy as hell! He's admittedly a terrible teacher, and can't play his riffs slow at all. He also manages to fuck up and forget his songs a lot, but then he pinches some harmonics and grimaces at the camera and all is okay...:lol: It's definitely worth a watch, though.

Go to On Demand>Music>Guitar Lessons>Celebrity Lessons
WOw.....yeah that def was extremely funny...hhaha....he cnat freakin even play his own stuff man..hahaha....PEAC EOUT
The "betcha can't play this" with the guy from Nile is almost as bad. Man, there are some shitty ass guitarists out there. It's sad that the Avenged Sevenfold guys can outshred these dudes.
^ I saw that, but haven't watched it yet. The most impressive ones I've seen have been with Joe Satriani (duh), Paul Gilbert (duh), and Alexi Laiho :)erk:). Fredrik was on one once, iirc.
A good one features the new Megadeath guitarist Chris Broderick. I mean it's kinda your standard tapping thing, but the guy definitely knows what he's doing.
This is way funnier....ahahahha.....PEAC EOUT
Haha, that was so funny. I loved it when he did the pinch harmonics. I know he sucks at guitar, but I love his songs.