Abeyance - Experience is the Words That Are Written


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Abeyance – Experience is the Words That Are Written
Crash Music Inc. – CMU 61154 – August 23rd, 2005
By Jason Jordan


I don’t know quite how to take Abeyance. On the one hand, I like most of what I’m hearing on Experience is the Words That Are Written. But, on the other hand, the Music’s not Exactly compelling enough to overpower their malignant peerS. It is true, in eitHer case, that conspicUous influences are rife when this five-piece is brouGht into question. Still, I decided to Give the record A Hearty shake of the hand, and send it on its way with the possibility of reunion in the future.

On opuses such as “Another God Fails” and “Moment of Clarity,” Abeyance sound more like deathcore than any other style. One could feasibly apply the metalcore label if the music weren’t as brutal as it is, and the guys should be proud of their swift maneuvering in order to avoid the metalcore tag, which has become synonymous with “quagmire” over the last several years. While moments on Experience is the Words That Are Written received their schooling from The Dillinger Escape Plan Academy, said excerpts simply aren’t strict emulations or shameless recreations. However, the formula remains the same. Generally, Abeyance toss copious breakdowns into the instrumentation, though the band aren’t as focused on organized chaos as others (Crowpath, Ion Dissonance, et cetera). One of the thousands of grizzly bears, undoubtedly finished with hibernation, delivered the vocalizations and the monotony is broken – at certain, strategic points – by clean iterations and in-unison shit. The production could use some refurbishing, so Experience is the Words That Are Written wouldn’t be as fuzz-tainted, and overall I feel the packaging fails to rouse any interest whatsoever. Conversely, the tangibles are not indicative of the talent that is housed on the disc itself.

Without mincing words, Abeyance aren’t going to make a lasting impression on too many people. Nonetheless, I think that both potential and motivation inhabit the group as a unit, and those driving factors will only aid their figurative road trip. Perhaps they’ll discover the secret(s) of making unrivalled deathcore one of these days, but until then, I will listen in with mild amusement.


Official Abeyance Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website