Abigor (subtitled: i'm a badass)

for some reason i've been getting into the technical/guitar-wankery form of black metal again lately, with stuff like Obtained Enslavement, Emperor's "IX Equilibrium" and Abigor. i only own "channeling the quintessence of satan" and it "fucking slays". a bunch of folks have reccomended me "nacthymen", but i still haven't heard it.

anyone else want to make gay love to this now-defunct band? any reccomends for technical black metal? just want to make gay love?

I AM A B&DA$$!!! FEAR ME AND MY TIED BACK (but growing out) HAIR!!!
they're pretty good. I've certainly heard better, but Abigor have a certain about them. It's probably because Silenius does the vocals for the first few albums, and I love Summoning.

Definitely check out Verwustung, Nachthymnen, and Supreme Immortal Art
ok so two years later i'm smitten. this band is simply amazing. Verwustung and Supreme Immortal Art are fantabulous.
Nachtymnen = unROOLy

Haven't heard either of those...

(ps: whatever happened to that BWD dude? he was a fuckin badass)
see i've only heard the stuff with Silenius on vocals, but i do wonder about Satanized, CtQoS, and In Memory.

once you undrstand what this band is doing, it is rewarding
I would honestly have to revisit Satanized to make any sort of intelligent comments on it, but I remember it being cool post-black metal w/ just the right amount of electronic element to it (read: not annoying at all). Pretty evil-sounding if I remember properly.