Aborted - The Archaic Abattoir

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Aborted - The Archaic Abattoir
Listenable - posh068 - 2005
By Patrick Walsh


Aborted have long been one of the most high-profile and, quite possibility, the best post-Carcass goregrind groups to have emerged in recent years. 2003's Goremageddon saw the band upping the ante on their prescise deathgrind attack, and The Archaic Abattoir is their most varied platter to date. Produced by Tue Madsen (The Haunted, Mnemic, Panzerchrist etc), Aborted's third full-length is an excellent offering by any standards, and this polished effort is certain to have their popularity extend far beyond the gorgrind clique.

When 'The Dead Wreckoning' kicks in, Aborted quickly set about laying out their agenda, and this track is an excellent summation the band's repetoire. It's a superbly crafted, nicely grooving deathgrind song, with excellently placed melodic leads with the band's trademark humour still in place (this time in the form of some samples from the, ahem, rather unwholesome 'American Psycho' film). This sets the standard for The Archaic Abattoir nicely, and the band manage to keep it this way for the duration of the cd. Madsen's production is excellent, with a clarity that bestows upon the album an inherent listenability that many of their peers often lack. De Caluwe puts in a sterling vocal performance, full of variation, spite and an actual sense of dynamics within the music (yes, you read that right). The band, meanwhile, are all extremely good songwriters in their own right, and it is this virtue that gives Aborted the edge over their, shall we say, more cerebal peers; Aborted really know how to write a seriously catchy death metal tune.

Cuts like 'Threading on Vermillion Deception' are built upon a foundation of a truly memorable riff with intricate and perfectly fitting leads, and Aborted have the good sense to know the importance of allowing their chops to breathe (i.e. not playing so fast that the whole things goes over your head, an unfortunate characteristic of much goregrind). Aborted have transcended their position as Carcass-baiting hopefuls into a truly great death metal posse in their own right, and The Archaic Abattoir is their best work to date; varied, engaging and vicious, and that's just what the doctor ordered.


Official Aborted Website
Official Listenable Records Website