About Boston...

I read the latest Robert B. Parker Spenser novel this weekend and two distinct things about the land of my birth leaped forth from the pages at me, and I simply have to ask:

1. Is it true that there is (or will be) a TED WILLIAMS TUNNEL?
2. Is it true that the Boston area is so deprived that Krispy Kreme donuts are unavailable?
1. there is a TED WILLIAMS TUNNEL...i dunno if it was spawned by the Big Dig or has always been there.

2. apparently one recently opened just outside the city. i spit disdainfully on the whole krispy kreme marketing phenomenon, though. they're nothing special. kind of like that whole red bull crap where people kept coming up to me and being like "HAVE U HAD RED BULL AND VODKA FOR SEVEN BUCKS? IT'S LIKE LIQUID ECSTASY!!!11"
The Ted Williams Tunnel is a product of the Big Dig, Alex I cannot believe your inattentiveness to that facto.

Krispy Kreme, also, are fucking awesome in small amounts. But I can eat larger quantities of Dunkin Donutses.
preppy, i live in boston without a polluting, unnecessary car. which leads into...

toby, if i fucking DROVE in boston, i might know these things. however, my segway doesn't go downtown, so, nyah.
i tend to like go out until 3-4 am every night wandering around because i have insomnia. do you have trouble getting around late?
I can "consume mass quantities" of donuts, wherever they're from. Did Alex ever tell you about the time I ate a dozen donuts in an hour? Yes? What about the second time I did it?
the above post makes me sound like a party animal, when in fact it usually involves me just sitting on a bench with my mini recorder or vandalizing.
toby, if i fucking DROVE in boston, i might know these things. however, my segway doesn't go downtown, so, nyah.

Actually no, if you ever read any local newspapers instead of exclusively foreign ones then you would know about the Ted Williams fucking tunnel.
the_prep, I have a vision of you prowling the 2:00am streets, hunting down balding but otherwise hirsute pervs and meting out righteous justice.
i have henchman that do my dirty work so i have time for my creative ventures.
my roommate from college lives in allston and whenever i ask 'how's boston?' she said "i live in allston. it's a stain.'