about new Amorphis


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
excuse me, but am i the only one who thinks the latest Amorphis album, Far From the Sun, is crap?

i mean, Amorphis is,(or should i say were ) a band who had so much going for them,and now they make boring albums.
don't take me wrong, i used to be huge amorphous fan, and dolike both Tuonela and Am Universum - they had some shadowy, not-on-the-first-listen hooks, and oh the grace&grooviness of Tales... and Elegy........but it seems Far From the Sun has nothing of the above - it is just plain boredom.

and i hear they played just one song off the new album on Wacken, and 3 off Elegy, 4(!) off Tales and even 1 from The Karelian Isthmus. Does it says sth of the band's opinion of the music they create nowadays?

on the fin(n)ishing note, i played HIM's Razorblade Romance next to Far From the Sun today and him blew amorphous ones for a mile. Now, that's disappointing.
yup, we sort of agree on the same things;
FFtS is 'enjoyable' and some songs are 'pretty good', but that's not the Amorphis we're all used to, are we?
I mean, play any FFtS track next to any off Karelian Isthmus(which the band seem to 'dislike' as sth they are ashamed of), and even the lousiest off Karelia will blew FFtS....

And some say the years of experience makes you wiser.....
"The day of your beliefs" is a great song but the rest all sound like one big jam session. The songs don't have much identity and definetly no surprises. It's really ashame too because the band are great musicians and they could really create another masterpiece again but unfortunetly they are sticking with the same formula (started on tuonela) and apparently it's not working as well as it did initially.

I don't want another Tales, or Elegy but I certaintly don't want something as boring as FFtS. Hopefully this album will bomb and they will be forced to make something better, if not they should quit.
When I finally found a copy of the last new album (which was terribly expensive here in my country!), I said to myself: 'Let's hope that the new songs aren't horrible like the artwork and the layout!'.
... unfortunately, except 'God of Deception', I think that Amorphis could've done a lot better, especially considered what they did in "Tuonela" (mainly on this album, probably my fave ever, along with "Tales...") or even in "Am Universum".
It's not a bad album at all, but it's pretty foreseeable, and even the vocals sound weak at times.
The songs actually aren't that bad when compared to the rest of the mainstream shit out there. But as far as Amorphis standards go, I haven't been this disappointed since their My Kantele EP. It reallys shows that they are signed to a bigger label now. That in itself is cool as they deserve, working their asses off in the underground for years and putting out great album after great album. But this one is just too mediocre for me, except for Ethereal Solitude, which I think is simply brilliant. It kind of reminds of being totally depressed in a smoky, raunchy bar. I won't give up on them yet. But I will listen to their previous albums a hell of a lot more than this one.
I thought it was kind of bland like no really stick out songs like "Black Winters day" or "The way". I really feel that the last 5 songs on tuonlea are just big jams sessions with a buch of saxaphones ailing & drums eraddic
Definitely FFTS isn´t my favourite Amorphis' album, but I enjoy it :p

Does anybody else see the Monster Magnet influence in FFTS? Check out the third song, Evil Inside, it´s typical Monster Magnet song.
i have always liked amorphis, i find them as a very innovative and melodic band...very creative and inspired
i like all their albums from karelian to tuonela...

about am universum...well..i think it is tuonela part 2 but much less inspired...

and concerning far from the sun...i only like one song: "day of your beliefs"; the whole album is really boring and uninspired... this guys are capable of doing MUCH BETTER music; and they know it...

i wonder what is going on in their heads, or what is disturbing them...?
dg said:
It appears I am the only one on this forum who finds this is a great album... sorry to contradict you all. :D

Is there anybody who agrees with my opinion on this album?

Like all of their stuff. Am Universum was slightly disappointing, but that's about it :tickled: