About our record label situation


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2001
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My apologies, I should have explained more when I told you we're doing a demo to hit the labels with...After separating from Dream Catcher, we went with Casket, but this was only a distribution deal we signed with them, so in effect, we have been on our own since the 'Living A Lie/Personal Gain' demo. We have decided we probably won't work with Casket at this time, not because they screwed us over or anything like that, but because they simply are not in a financial position to make sure the next album is advertised, or to get us the 'big tour' we have always waited for. The two things we would like more than anything is to see the 3rd album promoted and to stay on the road. Many of you felt the BOTE tour was stupidly short, but that's because we paid for everything ourselves and when that's the case, there is only so long you can play for. It was very hard for us to stay on the road with no help, and it's not something we want to repeat if possible. We feel the new material is too good not to be promoted. With the first album, they didn't believe in us, so it failed, with the 2nd album, they believed in us, but couldn't give us any financial support, so it failed. What Area 54 needs is a label that can offer us both things. This demo should be the way up for us, because the new material is so much better, and let there be no doubt, if and when we finally get to record the full album, it'll blow everything else out of the water! I hope this makes things more clearer for you. If not, q + a us and we'll answer what we can.

"because the new material is so much better, and let there be no doubt, if and when we finally get to record the full album, it'll blow everything else out of the water!" Fuckin hell it's gonna kick arse if that's the case :D Hopefully this will achieve the attention and acknowledgements the band deserve's!