About Smoke and Mirrors


Sep 4, 2002
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The beginning of "Smoke and Mirrors" has been taken straight from Yngwie Malmsteen's song "Eclipse". At least those solo parts are very close to each others. I was surprised when I realised that, 'cause Symphony X has usually made totally self-styled music with only natural influences. Does anyone know yet will "Accolade part II" be included to the new album?
Uh, you know...

This "The Accolade II" thingy is sounding weird to me... I mean... why would 'em insist in doing a 2nd part of such perfect song, anyway?!?!?!?!

That is the question I make...

In which direction will they take this 'new' song?!?!?!?!
The beginning of "Smoke and Mirrors" is really nothing like the Demon Driver interlude. The Demon Driver interlude is a sequence of 3-string arpeggios, while the Smoke & Mirrors intro is 5-string arpeggios. The chord progression is completely different. The Demon Driver interlude starts off in with a B minor arpeggio, while Smoke & Mirrors starts with an A minor arpeggio. The complete chord sequence for Demon Driver is:

Bm F# Bm F# Bm Db D A D B Em B Em Bdim7 F#sus F#

The sequence for Smoke & Mirrors is:

Am E/G# Am E/G# Am G/B Cm G Cm G Cm Bb/D Eb Bb/D Cm7 Gm/Bb Ab E etc.

Totally different. The only similarity is that they are sweeped arpeggios. Lots of guitar players do sweeped arpeggios sequences...so Romeo wasn't copying Yngwie at all.
Romeo sounds way more like Allan Holdsworth than Yngwie, if you ask me.

I don't think any guitar player could be compared to Allan Holdsworth, and if you were comparing him to anyone, it should be a jazz guitar player, like Scott Henderson and the likes, but not a metal guitar player.
Originally posted by ElPredicador
I don't think any guitar player could be compared to Allan Holdsworth, and if you were comparing him to anyone, it should be a jazz guitar player, like Scott Henderson and the likes, but not a metal guitar player.

Holdsworth plays some heavy rock on MVP and "Metal Fatigue" and Romeo is not "just" a metal guitar player. Just listen to Whispers solo and tell me that doesn't sound like Allan Holdsworth.
Originally posted by Yngvai_Malmsteve
The complete chord sequence for Demon Driver is:

Bm F# Bm F# Bm Db D A D B Em B Em Bdim7 F#sus F#

The sequence for Smoke & Mirrors is:

Am E/G# Am E/G# Am G/B Cm G Cm G Cm Bb/D Eb Bb/D Cm7 Gm/Bb Ab E etc.

when we transpose S&M 2 semitones it is:

Bm F#/A# Bm F#/A# Bm etc... to me it seems pretty similar.
Originally posted by warman
when we transpose S&M 2 semitones it is:

Bm F#/A# Bm F#/A# Bm etc... to me it seems pretty similar.

I would say though after that they become pretty dissimilar...plus Yngwie sweeps each chord up and down while Romeo changes chords between up and down sweeps. I think the Bm chord progression used by Yngwie is a common classical chord progression but I might be wrong about that.
I don't think any guitar player could be compared to Allan Holdsworth, and if you were comparing him to anyone, it should be a jazz guitar player, like Scott Henderson and the likes, but not a metal guitar player. [/QUOTE]

This is absurd. Michael himself cites Allan as an influence, and in my opinion this influence (especially the inhumanly smooth legato stuff) is what sets Romeo apart from other metal players. So why not compare the two? No one's sayin he IS Allan H. or even aspires to be, just that there's an obvious similarity.

While i'm on the topic, Mike also says he's influenced by Al DiMeola, and I definitely hear it in his clean-tone picked stuff like the backround part in Candlelight Fantasia. On the other hand Tore Ostby is also influenced by DiMeola, but it shows more in his FAST! electrified runs as well, as the spanish tinged rhythmic strumming (like in 'Just a Little')

My point is, bring outside influences into rock is what makes "PROG" progressive. It always has been. So I don't think simply pointing this out should be considered in appropriate.

just my opinion.

I was not saying that Romeo doesn't have Allan as an influence. I myself have this influence, and I nearly play a few solos, what I said (or was trying to say) was that Romeo is much more similar to Yngwie, and that saying that Romeo is similar to Allan, would mean that Romeo is as skilled as Allan is, which I don't think it is.
I am sorry if my comment was misunderstood, or lead to misjudgement, but my comment was simply that Allan is way better than Romeo.
Originally posted by ElPredicador
I was not saying that Romeo doesn't have Allan as an influence. I myself have this influence, and I nearly play a few solos, what I said (or was trying to say) was that Romeo is much more similar to Yngwie, and that saying that Romeo is similar to Allan, would mean that Romeo is as skilled as Allan is, which I don't think it is.
I am sorry if my comment was misunderstood, or lead to misjudgement, but my comment was simply that Allan is way better than Romeo.

By what standard is Holdsworth better than Romeo?
Originally posted by ElPredicador
In my opinion, any.

Basically what you're saying is that you like Holdsworth more than Romeo. That's fine, but by what OBJECTIVE standard can you say that Holdsworth is technically better than Romeo? I don't think you have one, so your opinion is no more than someone else who says Romeo is better than Holdsworth, or Yngwie is better than Romeo, or Romeo is better than Yngwie.