about the reviews



i noticed that on the antimatter.tk website there's only very positive reviews about the album and there wasn't any reviews in the biggest mags, is it because you don't have negative/average reviews at all, or you just keep them away from the website?
and what are the ratings like :) in the biggest mags?
Actually weve only had 3 bad reviews out of the 100 or so that I've seen for the two albums, and I could've included them but quite frankly that wouldve been acknowledging the 'journalists' responsible.

I remember each one ...

the first one is by some total sperm-finger who runs an EXTREME BLACK METAL website, in which hes moaning about how were not metal. He says that my vocals are 'forced and cheesy' , and in the same page praises a load of Black Metal bands. No offence here to Black Metal fans or bands, but BM vocals are THE MOST 'forced and cheesy' Ive EVER heard. This guy doesnt think so though. And quite frankly, if hes running a BM page, then why review Saviour? Its like Metal Hammer reviewing Kylie Minogues new single and then taking offence coz theres no heavy guitars. My blood boiled immediately and I wanted to smack this 'bedroom-teen-o-journalist' in his thin lips and scream 'do you have a brain' into his ear whilst stabbing him repeatedly with a syringe spiked with an IQ enhancing genome.

The second one was a review of Lights Out by Rolling Stone magazine who basically said anything released after 1989 with a gothicy sound was shit.

And the third was the link as posted above who doesnt know his arse from his left tit.

I will not acknowledge 'journalists' that say a whole bunch of ineducated jumbled shit just for the sake of saying something so they can tell girls that theyre a 'journalist' in pubs. Wankers like this need to be stared down out of any participation in the music industry and forced to admit in a public forum that they care more about themselves or their own rathole musical tastes than music as a wide scale and are therefore not a 'journalist' but a small minded bedroom enthusiast.

There, Ive said it.

Ahem, erm , apart from them three, most reviews Ive seen are on the site

Mick Moss said:
Actually weve only had 3 bad reviews out of the 100 or so that I've seen for the two albums, and I could've included them but quite frankly that wouldve been acknowledging the 'journalists' responsible.

I remember each one ...

to have 3 negative out of 100 is quite an achievement! i remember when i read my first one on a cheesy finnish website (it had a great score 0 out of 10 :) ), i couldn't sleep that night, but now i don't really give a fuck - the guy who wrote it was a wild headbanger fan of Deicide,Morbid Angel, Sepultura...:)
anyways, what about reviews in Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Terrorizer? any?
yeah theres been a few in metal hammer, ones that people have sent me ive scanned in and had translated by some nice people. But seeing as our territories are other countries than what we live in, its hard to get hold of magazines that were in - hence the amount of internet reviews that are much more easier to hunt down
who matters about reviews... if you like the music, the rest is nothing...

oh, well, yeah, closed-mind people care about reviews at all, but antimatter are not made for them, are they?
Nah we aint really playing that game. I know for a fact that a lot of 'album of the months' and that are fixed anyway. I remember the Kerrang charts years ago and they were way off the mark like, as far as album sales went.

Anyway, its all bollox. Go backstage at any metal festival and you'll spot the journo tossers with about 30 laminates around their necks. Sick sick sick. Kill them, bum them!
PL, but when? if it's in the good old days, then it's ok, but last years with those lousy albums - nah!
anyways, i never really bothered to read any reviews in the magazines before, they were somehow boring, but it seems that some people depend on the reviews to purchase some album... which is strange, coz that way you rely on somebody's (in most ways) subjective opinion, everyone has it's own tastes/perceptions and it's really funny to read some entirely contradicting reviews...
Allan said:
But but Paradise Lost won album of the month!
So did we on a few occasions, but one specific time we missed out because a new band was being 'hyped' by their label so they got it instead, regardless of what the album was like. One of the journalists admitted and actually apologised to us for it. All that shit has been going on for years anyway. Sad really, it belongs in the world of boy bands and that.
I dont think theres much difference between the boyband mags and the Kerrang type magazines - both have 'genre hairstyles and clothes' , both praise without question and both are glossy colourful throwaway money earners aimed at spoilt image-concious teens
Mick Moss said:
I dont think theres much difference between the boyband mags and the Kerrang type magazines - both have 'genre hairstyles and clothes' , both praise without question and both are glossy colourful throwaway money earners aimed at spoilt image-concious teens
marn i wish i could say you're wrong :lol::ill:
DragonLady1 said:
well I remember I read a review of Lights Out in the german Metal Hammer and it was great! I think u even had an interview there or was it in Rock Hard?
I did one with Robert Muller for Metal Hammer. Ive known him for years though and he's always been genuinely into the music like.
There was a crap review in the local mag here I seem to remember, not that anyone reads it
It was "Symbol of Life", so quite recent! it's on their website, don't remember which mag it was.

I like "Symbol of Life", best since "Draconian Times" I think, but I'll always like PL albums, creature of habit I guess, back then I identified myseelf way too much with the music (puberty like). Way too much at least when we're talking the lyrics of especially "Shades of God" (for me the scariest album ever), but "Icon" and "DT" as well. Marked for life I guess.

As for reviews sure they're usually bollocks, but sometimes I can identify the terms they use for music I'll like. Melancholic, depressive etc. I love the irony of getting into a band on the basis of a review I think is bollocks, because I recognise the bollocks people will use for good music.

I remember a review that called "Judgement "music for hard men with soft hearts" :p .
Lights Out got a fantastic review here in the biggest metal mag in Sweden. You got compared with Massive Attack, Monumentum(And who are they?!?) and......Syd Barret! Thats a brilliant achivement.Now you probably end up selling gold records here......