About Time!


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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We've Come for You All, Febraury 2003!!! About freaking time!!

5 years we waited! 5 Years!

Son of a bitch!!

This will be worth the wait..or else!

I certainly am curious to know what label will release it. What do you all think? Probably a small label.

I---like the rest of you--hope it is well received, but knowing the state of the industry....who knows!

I think I'll buy 2 copies to help out the Boys!

This will be just in time for the Newest Anthrax' fan arrival (Supposedly February 27)---my son!

Oh boy.....time fly by.....

:Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
is sanctuary still on there list,even roadrunner would be ok i guess,at least u are guarenteed fairly good promo as it is is host to some great metal bands which would be good for tour and stuff