Absence of a Northern Ca./Bay Area Show

Barefoot In The Dark

Mar 1, 2003
Bay Area, Ca. USA
I don't quite get it...why is Opeth not making it to San Francisco for the Damnation tour? They were just here in January, at The Pound and they packed the house and got such an enthusiastic response. Why would they not come back? It seems they are returning to many of the cities they visited on the last tour.

Any Bay Area fans know why? Is anyone going to make the journey to SoCal to catch them?
I know that pissed me off too, the concert was great and the crowd ate it up. I live in Berkeley but I don't have the money, time or drivers liscence to go down to LA though I wish I could.
KielbasaSausage said:
how do u know? there are no dates set for the damnation tour yet.

Actually, I meant the new tour which is the second leg of the Deliverance tour, I think.

I certainly hope they make it out here for the Damnation tour, whenever that is.
Yea I know, I already mentioned this when they first announced the dates. It fucking sux ass, but I know this wasn't specifically Opeth's decision, it goes into tour management and shit like that. What upsets me most is that the nearest places are all about equally the same distance with the closest being about a 10 hour drive. After the show you'd have to be crazy to drive back the same night, as it would be 1 in the a.m., and you're probably either gonna be piss drunk or stoned out of your mind; and even if you're sober, you'll probably be too tired to drive; meaning you'd have to spend the night, a hotel/motel = $$$; a night in the car = a very shitty sleeping experience. So all in all, bay area fans get fucked over pretty bad.

I'm currently trying to arrange a roadtrip to San Diego's show, but it all depends if just one of my friends decides to go or not. All I know is that if I'm going, I wanna order tickets, but if I'm gonna order I gotta do it soon.

I'm sure they'll pass by San Francisco for the Damnation tour, but it won't be the same. Opeth mellow is great, but Opeth metal is something that is guaranteed to deliver a solid hit; one which I'm absolutely addicted to and will be like a mad exploding little animal if I don't get to see; plus we don't know how long before the next Opeth metal tour comes round; there's no word on their work on the 8th album yet, and I don't plan on hearing about it for a year or two to come; and that's a fucking long time to wait.

I'd really like to see how many Opeth bay area fans are on these forums, you guys should at least respond and say hi so we know there's Opeth fans out here...
Okay, a bit of explanation here. As many of you know, I am also from the Bay Area. The reason they did not get a Bay Area date is because there was simply no place for them to play. Alll places were booked for the ONE day they could play here. It's not like we have a hundred clubs to choose from like they do in LA. They tried quite hard to play here, it just didn't work out. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I am also driving to the LA and San Diego gigs. This will definitely be over $100, not including food or my film and developing either. So I know what you mean. I'll barely be recovered before I attempt to go to a bunch of shows for the Metal Gods tour too. Eeeek. But anyway, don't take it personally. They weren't trying to "fuck us over". They have more taste than that!!! :)
Hmmmm...well, it makes sense. I wonder who's playing that day that is getting in Opeth's way. Maybe we can sabotage their tour bus or something....heh, heh. Yeah, it's a bummer, but I'm not mad at or feeling rejected by Opeth. I'm seriously consiering making the drive to San Diego, I could use a road trip!
I was very disappointed to see the lack of a bay area show! I've seen them at the Pound twice, and the second time the turnout was about twice the size! I was hoping they might get a gig at Slim's or some larger venue this time around but I guess I'll have to wait... grumble grumble...

I would be down to go to San Diego but I'm too fucking poor for that right now- Hey Dan, why don't you let me ride in your friend's trunk?

Yeah, it pisses me off. I saw em at the Pound and it was stunning (though not quite as good as when I saw em in NY earlier in the tour ;) ).

I'm thinking about a road trip down to Universal City, but like you guys said, that'll be way expensive.

Hey, how about Opeth plays the San Francisco State Cantina or Depot! Right in my backyard :)
I live about 2 hours south of The Bay, in Monterey. I was really looking forward to a bay area show because I missed them when they came around on Jan 31st. I'm going to make an attempt at going down south to catch them. Its more than worth it and I don't want to wait until they tour again. If Mikael starts any side projects which I think he is planning it may be freaking long time before they hit west coast again.
Spinal Remains said:
Hey Dan, why don't you let me ride in your friend's trunk?

Hehe, I would, but I'm gonna stop by Fresno for a night with some family /friends if I do go at all.

But damn, this couldn't have come at a worse time (reminds me of that part in Half Baked, lol), I'm am severely broke and my guitar teaching flyers having gotten any responses yet.

Anybody live near the Daly City BART who wants to learn guitar? Or do you wanna learn guitar and live in DC or San Francisco? PM or email me if you do.

Seriously, do it for Opeth. In fact, I could teach you some Opeth jams...