Absolute beginner


Feb 28, 2010
Hi guys. I've been a lurker in this forum for some days and I'm really really impressed at what you guys are doing.

I've already got a Tascam US122L USB interface, Cubase LE4 DAW and all sorts of VSTs (Revalver MKIII, iZotope Trash, every single Acmebargig VST, etc).
However, I just don't know where to start to get professional sounding tracks. I'm particularly amazed by this thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...rs-band-sd2-0-impulses-panic-room-master.html

I love metal but my band is more on the radio rock/indie side.

Are there any books, tutorials, documents, etc to get me started? And once I get to an intermediate level, what? Are there books to get to pro level too?

I don't care how much I have to read... I just want to get knowledge.

Maybe striving for an Andy Sneap mix is too high for me. I just want to sound good enough to be on a commercial record (I ain't selling my music, I'm doing it for the love of the art)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Also, I'm poor. I have to do everything digitally. I cannot afford any more hardware. I forgot to mention that I've got a ST51 Sterling Audio condenser mic
Do what I did and go and read most of the threads in the Production Tips section of this forum.
I know it sounds absurd to read that much but you'll learn a lot. After that you need to apply the theory to real world applications, which is the really hard part
I just re-read my post. By absolute beginner I mean totally and completely 100% beginner.

I know general stuff like I should always double track guitars and pan them on opposite sides (is this even true?). Parallel compression on drums is desirable (ditto). And that's about it.

I'm looking for info on how to sound pro. But I need advice on every instrument and voice. I need advice on VST usage (preferable the ones I've already mentioned) and on DAW stuff.

Hell, I need advice on how to ask for advice 'cause I don't even know what to look for!
However, I just don't know where to start to get professional sounding tracks.

Decent gear and years of experience in recording should get you there.

Are there any books, tutorials, documents, etc to get me started? And once I get to an intermediate level, what? Are there books to get to pro level too?

I don't care how much I have to read... I just want to get knowledge.
Modern Recording Techniques is a great book to start out, loads of info in there.

Books will only get you so far though. Don't get me wrong I encourage everyone to read everything they can especially when starting out, but reading books will not get you pro.
Decent g[B][SIZE="4"]ear[/SIZE][/B] and y[B][SIZE="5"]ears[/SIZE][/B] of experience in recording should get you there.

+1...... chears
You can also try reading through some reording mags, they usually cover some very basic concepts and also introduce you to a variety of stuff in the audio world like new vsts etc. But as they said before, this section in the forum is like a lifeline. There is loads of information there and it's more than enough to get you started. Don't try and get ahead of yourself though, it does take time so you need to have the patience to stick with. It's only a hobby for me, but I am always learning and improving. My one bit of advice is to read up on how effects work and try to understand what is happening when you slap a compressor in the mix. It can be tempting to slap on a compressor and hit a preset, but it's much more benefical when you know how it affects your sound and how to tweak it. Just my 2 cents

SOS did two articles a few months back on metal recording, and they pretty much gave a basic description of recording metal, so that might be worth checking out. I'm sure you can get the articles on their webpage.
Enjoy this fullfilling and rewarding little hobby (or career?) I'm sure you will get sucked in like everyone else has :lol:
Thanks guys. I'll be sure to check Modern Recording Techniques. I've already got "The Art of Mixing: Concepts, Tools, and (I forgot)" (or something like that) as well as "The Art of Mastering."

I tried reading this forums but it's packed with "How does this compressor gated through the limiter on the 1k freq sound? Is it scooping the mids on the low end? Should I go sidechaining and parallel compressing stuff on the overheads and reamping crap?" and, frankly, I don't understand shit. As I've said, I'm an absolute beginner.