ABSOLUTE Chaos AT Gods of metal Festival last weekend


Oct 3, 2002
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Hi there,

couldn't make it down to Italy because of a severe illness being diagnosed with my mother...

Here's what my buddy emailed me about what happened to this 2 day festival...He's italian , so bear with him for the english...:-)


I’d like to tell you what happened to the “Gods Of Metal Festival”,
since many things happened there, everything have been so chaotic and full of problems
that you couldn't believe!
So let's start from the beginning; a few weeks before the festival took place,
the authorities of Monza decided to not leave Marylin Manson to play in the
"Monza stadium" as it was originally scheduled. Reason: he's the antichrist! Unbelievable...
So they moved the two-days Festival to Milano, into a big arena called “Mazda Palace”;
useless to say that the original feeling (open-air, sun, beers, etc.) have completely gone
when you moved a festival into a closed place. Anyway, let the show begins...
The main problem was that, due to a lot of organization failures and poor ticket-sales,
some bands decided not to play: so, the first day Spineshank was cancelled and, most of it,
Marilyn Manson decided finally not to play due to throat problems; the crowd who spent
Euro 45,00 just to see his show (other main bands were Him, Children Of Bodom and Ministry...
nothing really important ones, honestly) went crazy and mad and ferocious, starting bottles-throwing
and toilette-crashing...
But the worst things happened the day after (Sunday) when the organization completely failed:
too many bands have been confirmed and the stage-changes have been bringing delays on
delays during all the day of the Festival.
The result was that all of the bands had to cut short their set, so Pain Of Salvation and Angra
played just 30 minutes and UDO and Shaman was cancelled. But the worst things have yet to happen:
Saxon, who was also scheduled for an headlining show the same night in Germany, decided to play
early afternoon instead of 18:00 (as previously agreed) and they played just 40 minutes when a lot
of people was there for them... what a bad move! I love the band but this time they acted really
unprofessional... yes, they managed to play two shows at the same day, they got double profit but
they left a lot of italian fans down.
Then it was the turn for Destruction and Motorhead and they too had to cut short their set,
playing about 45 minutes each. In the meantime I was backstage waiting for Queensryche,
the co-headlining band of the festival. The band arrived really late and, since the whole show were
really late for all of these stage-changes, the organization decided to cut their set from
1 hour 15 minutes to 25 minutes!!! Unbelievable!!! They played a 18 minutes medley of
"Operation:Mindcrime" and a new song. That's it! The thing is that the band was in a perfect shape,
in these short 25 minutes they showed their incredible talent and musicianship, but as soon as the
crowd started enoying their set everything was over... the fans went crazy another time, they started
screaming and claiming money back from the organizer, etc. It was an unbelievable situation.
I tried to speak with the band after the show (I had an ALL AREAS pass) but
the guys of the band were completely angry for what happened during the day.
They arrived late as they lost the right way to Milano, then they got wrong informations on
where the "Mazda Palace" (venue of the concert) is and finally they had to cut drammatically their set!
I spoke with their label representative after the show and he told me that Geoff was not willing to
talk with anyone. I can understand him, for sure.

Finally at the end Whitesnake arrived on stage and made everyone happy.
One of the best show I've seen in the last 10 years (and I see around 50+ show per year)...
the band is SUPER, Tommy Aldridge is incredible and Coverdale's voice... pure heaven!!!
Check them out if you can. Completely worth any cent you have to spend for the ticket!!!



What a mess hahaha!!!! Well i´m sure it wasn´t so funny for the people there.....but it is just unbelivable something like that can happen at such a big festival! Just back from the SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL, and as allways things turned out great there! They are PRO´s.

Karsten: Could you mail me at Dan.TheMan@privat.utfors.se