Abu Ghraib? Gitmo? No, California.


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
SAN FRANCISCO -- Patients at a state mental hospital overdosed on illegal drugs, were improperly restrained for hours on end and were forced to spend 12 hours in soiled diapers, according to a scathing report issued by the U.S. Justice Department.

Shitttt, where's that fuckin California cunt, I mean, Senator, Barbara Boxer, who publicly supported Dickwad Durbin when he was calling Gitmo worse than a nazi concentration camp?

Jurched said:
SAN FRANCISCO -- Patients at a state mental hospital overdosed on illegal drugs, were improperly restrained for hours on end and were forced to spend 12 hours in soiled diapers, according to a scathing report issued by the U.S. Justice Department.

Shitttt, where's that fuckin California cunt, I mean, Senator, Barbara Boxer, who publicly supported Dickwad Durbin when he was calling Gitmo worse than a nazi concentration camp?


And we treat all them Jawa fuckers like human beings while the mentally deranged,who happen to be american citizens are treated like this... I think we should bomb California, no I shall rephrase, I think we should carpet bomb California and then drop one of those bunker buster nukes right on the san andreas fault lineand creat some new ocean front property.