ACCEPT has seemingly got a new vocalist...


Umlauts ist Krieg
May 2, 2004

Mark Tornillo from TT Quick. I am a big fan of both ACCEPT and TT, and Mark sounds pretty good on the 'Balls' mp3 they posted (I did not listen to the other). I think he his trying a bit too hard to emulate Udo on it... but with that band, you are damned if you do... damned if you dont. I think his vocal stylings would be a good pairing with these guys. Of course... I was a big fan of Reece in ACCEPT too, and most werent.
I'm as big an ACCEPT fan as anyone here - except maybe Bryant ;) - and though I have my reservations, I'd certainly give these guys a shot. 4/5 of the Balls to the Wall lineup are writing new material and going out on tour. I haven't had the opportunity to see this band since Metal Heart. So hell yeah, I'll support them.

I love U.D.O. but if he can't rejoin because of personal issues with Wolf, so be it. Let them each continue writing great traditional metal. Twice as nice. :heh:

Hey! That's freaking great! I love TT Quick and LOVE Tornilla's vocals. Saw him about a year ago perform at the Starland and he still totally had it. Thought it was a shame he wasn't performing more. Can't wait to catch this show and will definitely pick up the CD.
Ah, TT Quick, dumbed down, 4th rate simpleton party rock from the 80's...the only semi-salvation the band had was the not-to-bad singer, he'll fit with the modern incarnation of Accept I suppose...
I've never heard of TT Quick, and after listening to the Balls to the Wall sample, I'm not sure what I think. I'll have to listen some more - but, hey, Accept is awesome so I'd probably see em if they came through anyway.
I like his vocals in TT Quick but he doesn't sound right here, seems weird to say but he sounds strained. Perhaps he'll work into it...
While I liked TT Quick back in the day, Accept without UDO is not Accept.
Wasnt fond of the vocals on the new version of Balls To the Wall at all. Sounds like hes trying way to hard to be like UDO.
Love TT Quick, love Accept with Udo (love UDO! Animal House one of the most underrated albums evah!) - new Balls didn't do much for me. I'll be open to hearing new material though.
I love TT Quick's first album.... I think that to many people wrote off Udo's vocals as being something simple and easy to do, never giving consideration to the uniqueness of his style and performance. I think Mark will do better over time on the classics and will sound great on the new stuff!
I figured I would give it a couple of days to marinate before I chimed in. I'm pretty ecstatic that 3/5 of classic Accept is back together (plus Stefan Schwarzmann), and I'm definitely looking forward to some new music. I only saw Accept once (on the Metal Heart tour), and I would LOVE to see them again, even without Udo. That said, I agree completely with the following sentiments:

I like his vocals in TT Quick but he doesn't sound right here, seems weird to say but he sounds strained. Perhaps he'll work into it...

Wasnt fond of the vocals on the new version of Balls To the Wall at all. Sounds like hes trying way to hard to be like UDO.

new Balls didn't do much for me. I'll be open to hearing new material though.

On paper, Mark Tornillo seems the perfect replacement; however, the clip of Balls to the Wall doesn't live up to my expectations at all.

I still think Mark is the right guy, but he needs to sing it his way, and not try to imitate Udo; if he gets to that point, I think the whole thing will click, and he will do these songs justice, and then some. The band should've said "just blow through this like it's a TT Quick song"...I know it's easier said than done, but that's where they need to go with this.

They really should have rehearsed this more before releasing it to the masses; as the proverb says, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

With all that having been said, let me be the first to say: ACCEPT FOR PROGPOWER XI !!!!!!!!!!!