Ace Frehley live


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Ordered my ticket for Ace Frehley live in San Francisco today! Should be cool. The last Paul solo tour was awesome, and the footage from the Ace dates so far looks good. Apparently he's cleaned up (again). Anyway, should be a hoot. I believe the show is March 21.
Ordered my ticket for Ace Frehley live in San Francisco today! Should be cool. The last Paul solo tour was awesome, and the footage from the Ace dates so far looks good. Apparently he's cleaned up (again). Anyway, should be a hoot. I believe the show is March 21.

From what I have heard, this is Ace's dress rehearsal for his return to KISS. Like you stated he has cleaned up (again), but in his mind this is a test to see if he can keep it together, he'll release his solo record in the summer and join KISS for some tour this year... He's got Anthony Esposito on bass from Lynch Mob. I think they are a trio, Ritchie Scarlet is now playing with Leslie West. No idea who the drummer is... Have a great time man. Let us know how the show went.
Interesting, I hadn't heard that KISS rumor. I'm non-plussed to be honest. I saw 2 of the early reunion shows (in 96 or 97), and they were awesome. But true to KISS form, the repeated history by going straight back to lame-ville with Gene's attitude, lineup changes, and a repetative setlist. It was cool right when they came back, but they desperately need to mix it up, or at least visit some other stage concepts and costumes.

That said, the Paul solo tour was the best KISS thing I'd seen since the 96 reunion show, which again, I admit was utterly awesome - especially having been such a huge fan as kid. They were my first concert, but in 84, after the makeup came off. Good show, but it was a letdown since I'd been worshiping the Alive through Dynasty era since I was wee lad in the 70s.

Oh, and the KISSOLOGY DVDs (volume I in particular) were long overdue, and kick serious butt. I've never heard why they didn't include a Destroyer era show though. I know for certain there are some quality vids out there, having seen Anaheim myself (I had it on VHS for awhile). I still can't figure that one out.
i liked the new peter criss album. haven't heard ace is coming back to kiss. does this mean criss is coming too and its one final tour with the original lineup?

also the drummer for ace is long time friend anton fig who's worked with ace a lot
On album, but who's the live drummer? Anton has been playing with The David Letteman band for over 20 years now...
I don't know that Ace will be back, sounds like he slammed the door shut, when he left last time around...

i did some research and still can't find any info on a drummer other than anton fig. so no clue who it is live
On album, but who's the live drummer? Anton has been playing with The David Letteman band for over 20 years now...
I don't know that Ace will be back, sounds like he slammed the door shut, when he left last time around...

Gene and Paul, collectively known as Kiss INC dont need him around anymore, they have rights to his make-up design and its not like they are going to be releasing anything other than best of and live albums.
Gene and Paul, collectively known as Kiss INC dont need him around anymore, they have rights to his make-up design and its not like they are going to be releasing anything other than best of and live albums.

Right. I think Peter sealed his fate when he pissed off Paul Stanley. Paul has been the voice of reason where Gene is at time the irrational one when it comes to past members... I found a recent Dee Snider interview to be accurate. Seems like KISS with do good business live, but seems like the fans doen't want to hear new music as eveidence by the cold reception that Psycho Circus recieved... And yes KISS is ran as corporation... Peter and Ace have no say, rights into anything KISS at this point. Though I will say that I have heard that Ace is comingback for the next tour and Tommy Thayer will resume his original role as their Tour PR guy and assistant to Doc McGhee...
Right. I think Peter sealed his fate when he pissed off Paul Stanley. Paul has been the voice of reason where Gene is at time the irrational one when it comes to past members... I found a recent Dee Snider interview to be accurate. Seems like KISS with do good business live, but seems like the fans doen't want to hear new music as eveidence by the cold reception that Psycho Circus recieved... And yes KISS is ran as corporation... Peter and Ace have no say, rights into anything KISS at this point. Though I will say that I have heard that Ace is comingback for the next tour and Tommy Thayer will resume his original role as their Tour PR guy and assistant to Doc McGhee...

without criss there is no reason for ace to come back. anyways whats weird is pauls, gene's and peter's newest solo albums all thank the other 3 original KISS members yet they hate eachother:erk: i think its really just gene being retarded. what did petere do to piss off paul?