ACHERON - Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
ACHERON - Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood


1. Chaos Invocation (Intro)
2. Church Of One
3. Xomaly
4. Bow Before Me
5. The Kindred
6. A Long Time Ago (Intro)
7. Golgotha's Truth
8. Betrayed (A Broken pact)
9. The 9th Gate

Label: Black Lotus Records
Release date: 2003
Artist site:


These guys have been banging and hammering it out in the death metal trenches, in some form or another for years and years now. How they've managed for this long is beyond me, as I was never a really big fan. So, I'm quite surprised to find myself enjoying their latest as much as I am. Never mind the cover art, that is coincidentally similar to CANNIBAL CORPSE's latest. I wonder who actually had the idea first...

This time around longtime vocalist/bassist Vincent Crowley is joined by guitarist Michael Estes of BURNING INSIDE, who has since left the band, and the one and only Kyle Severn on drums of INCANTATION fame. Together, the trio have created a beast of a death metal album. Characterized by longer songs, Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood is one of those pleasant surprises you stumble upon every once in awhile.

Simple, yet epic, it's like VITAL REMAINS meets ASPHYX meets NOCTURNUS meets INCANTATION, if that makes any sense. A true contender for the year of 2004, and again, a surprise one at that! Out of the 9 tracks, only 6 are actual songs, which is the only minor weakness to be found here. I say minor because like I said before, the songs are pretty long in length. "Church Of One" is my fave, with Estes' guitar work being the key highlight. Musically, ACHERON are awesome on Rebirth..., even if their lyrics are predictable, mundane satanic fodder delivered somewhat generically by Crowley.

The vocal effect (or synth, not sure) and groove around the 1:30 mark of "Xomaly" is pretty damn cool, too. I really like the grind section at 4:00 and the following CELTIC FROST-ish groove that follows, you really must hear this part, it's ultimate FROST worship. Overall, this album is a guitarist's wet dream, killer riffs and blazing hellfire guitar solos!

But the ridiculous sounding "A Long Time Ago" (Intro) and the completely pointless, annoying and painful 9 plus minutes of "The 9th Gate," which is essentially one note, equivalent of a constant ringing in one's ear. Think tinitus. I'm sure they think this makes them so evil! Please, some of my farts are more sinister than this poor exercise of judgment. And to think they were doing so good!