Achtung: Depressive BM ahead


one-click buy
Sep 4, 2003
From my latest haul. No cause to grow an obelisque in your pants, yet some of the best new stuff I've heard in the genre in... well, years:
Hexenkreis - La Paix se meurt... La Paix est morte
Got to make friends with the drum machine I guess, but whoever is into the genre should be way past this level by now...
Make A Change... Kill Yourself - s/t
Strong atmosphere of total neurasthenia through and through, somehow very skillfully played and constructed

Anyone into this with opinions and/or listening suggestions?
Ellestin said:
For now thou art oh so grown-up, art thou not?
hehe i didn't mean it in a "well fuck off i hate you for posting this, get out" way, it's just that this genre of music doesn't really do anything significant for me anymore. i've got the first forgotten tomb album and abyssic hate and that's about what i need. i traded away/sold my shining albums. "brave murder day" will always be 500 times sadder than anything anyone else could ever come up with
So I'm listening to this, and it's perfectly okay stuff, but GOD DAMN if most black metal doesn't just all sound the same.
lurch70 said:
it's like reggeton


Don't you EVER mention that utterly CRAPTASTIC SHIT in this forum EverEVEReverEVER again!!! I work with and amongst mostly Dominicans and Ricans and that music must be the most contrived shit ever. It LITERALLY has the SAME EXACT beat in EVERY fucking song!!! Duh DuhDuh Duh, Duh Duhduh Duh.... WTFZ!!! o_O

Then there's the Bachata. :tickled:
the women get down and grind it like there is no tomorrow though ... you gotta admit that :loco: