AcmeBarGig Cabinet Enhancer RELEASED


May 11, 2009
I may have already posted this here.. but when I Came back it did not show up in a search, so If this is a double post it was not meant to be...Just please delete one of them as I don't want to piss off your users...Thanks



So, what is it and what does it do?
Some of you will recognize this from two of our other products. It has a new version of the CabShaper from DIG and GUTS. It has three distinct functions...It will either emulate a cabinet without the use of IR, It will enhance an existing IR cabinet, or it will enhance a mic'd cabinet. The thought had ocurred to me a while ago that IR and Mic'd cabs can loose some of the "Live" feel. No matter what equipment or how you place a mic. It will always be like that it is a matter of physics. So, what I'm trying to do now is place back some of that live feel...So to speak.

In terms of Cab IR...
You may agree with this or not, but for an example of how the CabShaper will help out, we'll use the example of a snare drum. When you hit a snare drum hard or soft the sound of that snare drum changes with the velocity of the strike. These tonal changes occur, with speakers too. Albeit to a lesser degree, but none the less they occur. So, it is these tonal/resonant changes that are missing from an IR cab. Use of our new EAR(Enhanced Audio Resonance) technology attempts to put them back in. This on the other hand does not occur when you are recording with mic'd amps. EAR Reads how hard or soft you are playing and resonates certain frequencies based on speaker type. Unfortunately, we are still defining speaker sizes with it, but in future versions of EAR you will be able to select your speaker type and size from a list. So for this version, we'll ask that you simply turn the dials until you like the sound...:)

In terms of Live Mic'd cabs...
You could use a small amount of EAR to enhance the punchiness, but using too much of it in this scenario will not help. But what CabEnhancer does in this regard is allow you access to an extra EQ and 2 filters, plus a widener. So it does not perform any type of "Magic" but does contain the tools required, including a noise gate. One of the filters could also be used as a hiss eliminator, and then you could use the EQ to boost the high end that was removed from the Filter.

As a Cab Emulator...
This is almost identical to the previous version of CabShaper, but I have enhanced the low end rumble. Its not exactly where I want it yet, but getting close. The EAR and Filters also can be used with this as well...Some people use the Cab Shaper almost exclusively, I almost dropped Cabshaper and went to strait IR Cabs, But we decided not to shoot the horse twice. Those of you that know us, know that we always want to try and release things that come out of our head...I Don't like doing what has been done a million times before. There already is a great product called KeFIR available for free, so why spend the time writing another KeFIR when I could be creating stuff Like EAR, or RedShift...I am sure that you guys would rather me try and do something new that you may not have seen or heard before.

This is another Nikko Skin as well, man he does great work...

Oh yeah also there is a brand new control in it as well that takes you to our website, this will now be in all future AcmeBarGig releases

Thanks for all your support and I hope you're gonna like this..
Ken and the Acmebargig team
Thanks Guys..
I have never tried placing it in front of an IR because that would be enhancing the tonal characteristics of the amp...HEY WAIT, wow thats a great idea...I'm gonna try that myself!

Thanks Guys..
I have never tried placing it in front of an IR because that would be enhancing the tonal characteristics of the amp...HEY WAIT, wow thats a great idea...I'm gonna try that myself!


Thats one of the beauty's of music, there are no rules:D Hell, you could probably place it on a vocal track too :loco:
Yep using a standard preset though so we have a baseline for comparison. Actually it would be good if we used a public domain IR as well. Then perhaps we could all start to look at setting adjustments and try and figure this thing out a little more. Just cause I created it does not mean I know why it all works the way it does..Like the stereo Frequency panning, I'm still trying to figure why it does that..Then perhaps we could get a preset exchange going on, I always need presets...Either way the whole thing interests me as it will shed some light on different issues, Thats how we make a product better..
Ok lets get this rolling then shall we?

Can anyone supply a nice DI for this comparison? McFly, if you would be so kind as to post up a good preset to use for the comparison? I'll be more than happy to put A and B together and make the comparison. I just need a preset we agree on and a good DI.
In REAPER 3...
I used a
Catharsis Impulse in KeFIR
Nick Crow 8505 With SSE No settings change..
So, 8505 First into KEFIR with Catharsis S-PRESS5.WAV, mix 100%
into Cab Enhance with "Ken OpenBack 4x12" making sure that EAR is at 100% AND Stereo Widening is not on...

This felt to me like an ACDC live stage feel...You must also make sure that KEFIR does not overdrive the cab enhancer as that will send EAR into a non working mode. EAR has to be able to detect a level and if that level is too hot, then it will simply go into a constant push mode...The level on that particular preset is also low I had to turn it up to match keFIR's's output..

This is great guys I really appreciate you all doing this. I am hoping that the information we glean from these tests will help me to improve The Cab Enhancer, and in fact some of this info is important for as second development too which is the Tribe Amp for acoustic Modelling. I am mainly watching and wanting to improve the EAR technology, that is the heart of it all. The rest of the stuff used is really only rudimentary stuff like Delay, filters and an EQ...So, EAR is what is really important.

I am hoping to be able to test this out this week and if I do, I will post back the results.

Ken, why do you use keFIR for impulse loading when you have your own IR loader in Tribe? I haven't tried your plugins yet, but I recall Tribe or something had an IR loader in it or am I remembering things wrong?

One thing I don't like about keFIR is that I can often detect some nasty high pitched artifacts when running impulses through it, as opposed to Revalver's IR loader for example.
Hey Gojira...Looking forward to hearing your results...
I use KeFir because I have found most people use it. The ABG IR Loader in Tribe and RedShift both have an extra sound removal process to them. Yes we have our own CAB IR Vst effects, but I have not got them to a point where they are usable. The CPU Usage is through the roof, although I must admit I do like their options and overall sound better, but there is not much you can do with them because of the CPU usage..
We have the following series of ABG IR cabinets, Cyan, Cranberry, DIG 2.5 and ABG Cabs. I have not released them, but if you guys wanna try them I'll post a link here for you, but just keep in mind that they are heavy on CPU...


The Cyan head features a Solid state amp and a Tube amp with a filter in between tubes to give you more access to shape the frequencies that get over driven. That why the scope is also there, it allows you to see what the overdrive is doing to the wave..It also has two Pad filters at the end of the signal to further allow you to craft the sound. You can also adjust the Tube Bias as well..

The Cyan Cabinet has a post IR EQ as well as a stereo version of the widen feature thats in Cab Enhancer...This basically is a flanger though and didn't quite work the way I had envisioned it...But is was the thing that allowed me to form the basic idea of EAR. It also has a noise gate and a 2 pole LP filter...

DIG 2.5 Cabinet Shaper

After Cyan, I Started working on DIG 2.5. The DIG 2.5 head, not shown here has 4 tubes with bias adjustment and the Tube Filter from Cyan. It also has an extra filter at the gain stage which all but eliminates hiss, even when using an extremely overdriven sound. Each tube is also given its own drive setting, so, you can build the drive up over 4 tubes instead of 2 like in DIG 2.0. The first 3 tubes are bypass-able as well. Once again all these changes were spawned from users at various forums...

The DIG 2.5 Cabinet shaper has pre and post EQ Filters that allow you to adjust the signal before and after the IR. Say you have an IR that has a great high end response, but the low end is flabby, You can adjust the signal that is going into the IR, then also adjust the signal coming out as well. To the right, we see the first design of EAR. This has now been condensed into 2 knobs that we see in The new CabEnhancer. Basically EAR works on frequencies, As you adjust these frequencies, the spread between the upper and lower band get larger as you select higher frequencies So at like 40hz, the frequency range would be 40-41 Hz. Whereas when you adjust to higher frequencies, that range increases.


This is Cranberry PowerCabs, It is a high resolution IR loader. It also has a model of a Bryston 4B power amp in it..

Hopefully That answers gojira...

Ok, so I messed about with the EAR technology. Now it seems EAR changes the tone just by having it turned on, so the tonal differences are apparent between the following two clips anyway, but see if you can pick out which one is with EAR and which one is without it, I would invite Ken to not comment until I reveal the results as I feel he will already know which is which, by how the tone changes when EAR is enabled.