acoustic vs. production/live non-acoustic II


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
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Most everyone here are musicians, right?

Lately, our rock station here has been playing a lot of acoustic material that they've recorded from bands that come through town and stop in there to interview and play. It's the best work i think i've ever heard, far better than their recorded/produced/live non-acoustic material. For bands that seem to be just another regular rock band, it really shows just how talented they are and why they're where they are. My opinion.
Do you find with your own work it's the same? Do you find you like your work much better while writing it and playing for your friends at home? Or do you prefer it after it's recorded, or worked out for non-acoustic shows?
hehe, nice one trona!

Well, i'm not a musician even though i do sing, but that doesn't do much in this content. Anyways, i like acoustic stuff. I enjoyed Antimatters acoustic gigs very much, it gave a somehow natural feeling. That doesn't mean i don't like the other, album versions. But i like different interpretations of a song, it shows the potential of the material.
When it comes to acoustic gigs or albums i have to say that it has to to have some diversity. Without it can get easily boring imo. I do prefer a variation of mellow and peppy songs.
Bambi has a point though taking his post of the other thread. It can be made more interesting by adding other instruments or features when you produce it in a studio like.
Disclaimer: I'm no musician either.

Going to acoustic gigs isn't really my cup of tea, I can only enjoy it to its fullest extent when I'm at home or in a familiar setting. I appreciate bands who dare to toy around with something new though, be it plugged or unplugged. A good example for nice unplugged recordings would be "Lightning Risked It All" by Songs:Ohia, especially the minimal percussion is good there I think. Classical instrumentation is always welcome as well as pure "songwriter" stuff like Nick Drake or Elliott Smith. On the whole it clearly shows the talent of a band/musician when someone's able to deliver the goods without needing walls of sound.
I've always enjoyed acoustic gigs that were done well. Some years back I was in a punk type of band (vocals, guitar) and I found out the one coffehouse in my area was sponsoring this thing called Chickfest with all female acoustic shows. So I called my friend who was a good singer and we wrote a few songs for the 'fest. It was cool to experiment with a different performance medium; something more intimate. It was also a challenge to write music for my friend's poetry and interpret what she was hearing in her head in terms of melody. We did the one that happened a year later; we did the original stuff as well some covers by Tori Amos and The Misfits. :)

There's too many acoustic acts, though, that just write boring jangly crap (usually heard on open mic nights). I've heard too many amateurs think they were great solo acts but none of their abilities made them stand out from the crowd (like these two guys that used to play in my town that played all Matchbox 20 covers and bullshit like that). My favorite ones are people who come up with original melodies or experiment; they don't necessarily have to be super technical musicians.
I love acoustic shows. Besides, I can do nothing but play acoustic...
The best ones I've ever seen where the 2 shows of Danny+Vincent that took place last December in Athens. The first was in a small club and I was so close to the stage, that I could hear THEM, not the sound from the speakers. It reminded me of the parties of my choir (playing our musical instruments and singing folk, rock, metal stuff etc.). The second show was in a bigger club. Great atmosphere! It was like a dream!
Hope not! She doesn't have the right anyway, unless she asks a mod who deletes them for her.

It's another thread, numero dos.

fine again, broken, 69 tea


oh yes, i'm in love :faints: fucking beautiful
Well then, you can watch them through my eyes.

And if you decide to look deep enough and you watch long enough, well....yeah. I guess that will only ever be between you and me, and me and whoever I choose to share it with. I know there is no one you could ever explain it to. That enigma thing, you know? I'm talking about me, not you. xoxox