Adagio or Pagan's Mind?

I don't really know what "Cookie Cutter Prog" means either, although I would guess he means that it's somewhat generic, repetitious, etc. Don't know for sure. Anyway, due to the majority here (sorry chick!) I think I'll go with Adagio - Underworld first.

Thanks guys!
I think Pagan's Mind has cool music, but the singer is horrid. Did they ever find a replacement guitarist? I heard that the old one had cancer or something like that.

Adagio (Underworld that is) has great music and a great singer.
For me theres no questions about it PAGANS MIND.

I like Adagio but found "Underworld" to be overly "symphonic". The keys IMO are way over the top.

Also IMO the Pagans Mind CD, has just about the best production I've ever heard on a disc courtesy of Frederick Nordstrom.

Some people dont like the singer Nils, because, he is UNIQUE, which IMO adds to the grand scale of the band. Hes distinct, and not a voice you hear on every other CD.

Musically, I think they take the best of Prog Metal, Power Metal, and even Hard Rock, and mix it all together quite nicely.

The CD kicked me so much in the ass, that I became good friends with the band, and opened up the official USA website for them.

I'll cast another vote for Adagio. Cant go wrong with either disc from them it sounds like. I have Sactis and I dig it. Haven't gotten UNderworld as of yet, but from the sounds I have herad it's well worth it too.

I wont even begin to rant on Pagan's Mind. Suffice to say I stated my case on them long ago and I still stand by it. Move along nothing to see there.
