
I much, much prefer the first album Sanctus Ignis, it's a lot more accessible.

The second album Underworld while being technically superior and boasting some ambitions grandiose compositions doesn't really kick into gear for me.

And (here's a good one) I much prefer the keyboards on the first album, we all know the new guy is a technical superstar and first started playing in his mother’s womb then to graduate top of his class at the Paris school of music school bla bla bla, I prefer the orignal keyboardist.

Overall, Underworld had too much compositional pomp for my tastes but that’s me and by no means do I want to discredit such a technically astounding album where you can really taste the blood, sweat and tears Stephan put into producing it.

Get um both.
Funny, because I find the songwriting on Sanctus Ignis to be an absolute bore. Underworld is so much better, IMO (although I'm more excited about what the new album is going to be like, as I don't think these guys have found their true voice just yet).
MrFast said:
Isn't the first keyboardist Richard Anderson?
yes ,and he just played some solos on the album. and by the way,get both sanctus,and underworld. Both are great albums ,but for the start underworld is better.
The fact that Andersson is on the first is an excellent reason to get the second, since all he's good for is monotonous widdly widdly widdly keyboard passages.
MrFast said:
This really isn't narrowing it down...
Thats because they only have like 3 albums out now, and the first one, they went by a different name. So far, it's just Sanctus Ignis, which I have, and Underworld. And Sanctus Ignis is a sick album.
aiwass said:
Funny, because I find the songwriting on Sanctus Ignis to be an absolute bore. Underworld is so much better, IMO (although I'm more excited about what the new album is going to be like, as I don't think these guys have found their true voice just yet).

Couldn't have said it better myself. Obviously, I prefer Underworld as well.

What was the first album released under a different name?
Sanctus Ignis, Underworld, Live in Upperworld is about it! Underworld is the one to get, or get all 3... and chose for yourself, you shoudn't like or dislike an album just because we on the forums tell you to! Learn to like your own music, some people prefer the sound of Sanctus ignis, other prefer underworld...I'm one of the ones who prefer Underworld greatly!
Whatever sort of bloke Richard Andersson is I think he has a great sense of melody and texture and seems to be doing alright for himself in a solo carrer judging by some of the reviews he has got.

One thing that worries me is the departure of Dirk Bruinenberg, he was absolutely phenomenal and they will have worked a miracle if whoever has replaced him is half as good. Seriously underrated drummer who, in my opinion has better chops than Portnoy and....Rullo (ouch!), but that’s saying a hellova lot.

And to boot the singer David Readman, who was also a real highlight for Adagio. This new album will certainly be different because the spine of Adagio has changed, it will definitly be an interesting listen.
Eric Lebailly has some cool chops, particularly on the live album. Kevin Codfert brings a style all his own to Adagio, and for that, I pretty much think he's ok.

I've trouble looking for the first album--I got Underworld and the live CD.

fave songs:
--In Nomine..
--The Mirror Stage
proulxski said:
you shoudn't like or dislike an album just because we on the forums tell you to! Learn to like your own music
Trust me, I know what I like. I was just asking for opinions since the price of import CD's in Canada isn't fun for the wallet and downloading is queer.
Just in case anyone took me seriously, I was being too hard on Andersson. I think he does an excellent job writing the music for Time Requiem, and I have lots of respect for his keyboard chops.

But the new guy in Underworld is freaking great... totally fluid playing combined with some extremely well-produced sounds (pianos in particular are absolutely lovely).
yeah Bruinenberg, Codfert (amazing :worship: ), Readman & Forté (not my piece of cake though) rule but... now let's get to the bassist, Franck Hermanny! One of my faves out there, I absolutely loved his work and the solo on The Stringless Violin (5:45 - 5:53)!! Can't wait to have a 5 or 6-stringer to practice on it :Spin: