Addictive Drums to Slate Drum Map??

whats wrong with moving by band?

It shouldn't be that many notes that need to be moved.

Its easy enough to select all hits of a given midi note.
In reaper you just right click on the key in piano roll I think.
whats wrong with moving by band?

It shouldn't be that many notes that need to be moved.

Its easy enough to select all hits of a given midi note.
In reaper you just right click on the key in piano roll I think.

This. I do it all the time. It takes a few minutes max.
Yep just transpose the hits. It only takes a few minutes. Or use EZplayer, either would probably take the same amount of time.
Will Ezplayer do this?

I thought that It would only convert toontrack map to the other maps.

I dont think you can go from Addictive > something else
Will Ezplayer do this?

I thought that It would only convert toontrack map to the other maps.

I dont think you can go from Addictive > something else

You can go from any map input to any map output. Sometimes you run into issues, like I do with slate drums- the cymbals can be moved around depending on the user and kit selected, so sometimes things don't line up. But you just move a few things around if it doesn't sound right.
Oh interesting.

I use Slate too, and toontrack MIDI with ezplayer. It has been working fine for the most part.

I'm having problems with the old DKFH midis for some reason. Was it a different map back then?
Ya just bought it and tried it, its still not playing the notes correctly. I am starting to think its shitty programming. By any chance could any of you take a look at the file for me.

I can send yo a wav of what its SUPPOSED to sound like vs What I have. This band has been having nothing but problem after problem with their midi files.
1) Download AD Drums manual, check how the MIDI is mapped.
2) Download SSD manual, check how the MIDI is mapped.
3) Compare them, write down the different notes and how each one should translate.
4) Make a key map of them on Reaper using the JS plugin "MIDI_KeyMap".

Although if it is only for one song, just open them on the midi editor and drag them to the right place.
You could have moved all the hits by hand in about 30 minutes max. Saves you having to download software, install, learn how to use it, import, export etc.
I use Ezplayer to convert from drum track superior to steve slate drums. When I pick the output for the slate drums there are two choices, SD and VD if my memory is correct.

I can't remember which one is which, but if I pick the wrong one the cymbals and hihats don't come through correctly. This might be the problem.
Not for 17 songs ... been at it for 4 hours and still working on it.


Load up all midi drums on ONE track in a new project. Leave some space in between each song

Consolidate all of said midi files into ONE giant midi file.

Select all hits of a MIDI note and move to desired key. (selecting all notes should be super easy. for reaper its just one mouse click)

Repeat for all MIDI notes that need to be moved.

Make a slice point in the gaps between each song.

Move each song's section back into the original project.

Really this should take 10 minutes......:erk:

4 hours!?

Are you moving individual hits!?