Adrian & Ace comparison? (just for fun)


Apr 17, 2001
Shinra Inc. - Sweden
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Hi y'all!!

I thought I'd stir the stew a little and throw out a hopefully interesting guitarist-comparison for ya.

You might hate me or agree with me.
I love it both so check it out.

These two guitarplayers, Adrian Smith & Ace Frehley , have in my opinion a lot in common! No? Yes, they do! And this is besides the obvious; successfull bands etc. Right, here we go:
They both...
- have a bluesy style
- play rather with feeling than technicality
- are Perfectionists all the way to the fingertops
- Love Gibson Les Paul
- focus on their playing rather than runnin around on stage, although both guys can pose like there was no tomorrow :lol: (also on stage).
- Have a unique style that is easily identified as their own.


Please join with your own thoughts about this if you want, agreements and cheers, additions to this, or letting me know what a total moron I am... :lol:

(And yes, I love Ace Frehley's I-don't-care-rock-'n'-roll style, too) :)
well i never thought about that but yeah there is some truth in what you say!

except that ace plays in a band which partially composed songs making them look like the 70s backstreet boys...

quote alice cooper 2000 in vienna:
'when i got up today, we still were in germany. and there everybody smokes and i really hate that! so i was very happy to come to austria - and what do i see?! someone with a KISS-shirt! [pointing at someone in the first few rows, a dozen other people in the crowd with similiar outfit fainting]'

and that with eric singer as his new drummer... :rolleyes: :lol:
...Well... I don't know too much about I am only a passing Kiss fan..

...I dunno about the level of Les Paul love - on Adrian's part. I think Ace ONLY uses Les Pauls....while Adrian, while he owns some, but tends to play Fender Strats way more often. From what I have seen, Adrian tends to use a variety of guitars, Jackson, Ibanez, Fender, Gibson....I really would not pin him down to one.

..anyway, minor point. I'll take your word on the rest.
Yeah, Adrian bought his 'Gold-Top' when he was 18 or something, and he's very fond of that guitar. But yes, he plays other brands as well and Ace only plays Les Paul on stage (although he has a big selection of guitars at home). Isn't it plausible to say that both guitarists love the Les Paul as an instrument, tho? ;)