Advice on a metalcore mix? please..

If these are POD guitars, try again.

Because they sound like real amps that weren't recorded very well. (no offence)

I like the idea you have going on for the intro, and there's definitely a build up. but there's no comedown. or climax. :/


after listening again, I don't think I put enough emphasis on how much I don't like the guitar tone xD
It's not pod farm. It's just the sounds that come put of my POD 2.0. It's not USB so I can't run pod farm. Unless there is a way I don't know in which feel free to tell.
It's not pod farm. It's just the sounds that come put of my POD 2.0. It's not USB so I can't run pod farm. Unless there is a way I don't know in which feel free to tell.

ok then, putting a metalzone in front of a pod is also something one should never do. if the tone needs a boost, use the emulated tube screamer that the pod has built-in, metalzone is something no one deserves :Puke:
It was my guitarists idea. We just cannot seem to find a good tone with this POD anymore. It's not old. It sounds terrible I know. Any suggestions on how to get a good tone out of a pod 2.0?
significantly better than the metalzone one... you should try going straight into protools with the pod via USB, setting it as an ASIO device.... can you even do that on a mac?? does mac even use ASIO? i'm clueless in apple-ville.

or dude...even better than that would be to just buy podfarm and use the pod as a dongle, a pod 2.0 is qualified hardware and it's only 49bux for the plugin. then you can track DI's with the mbox and edit them and whatnot.
I would love to do that. But the POD 2.0 doesn't have a way to connect it to a USB. So I can't use POD farm. It sucks pretty bad.
I would love to do that. But the POD 2.0 doesn't have a way to connect it to a USB. So I can't use POD farm. It sucks pretty bad.

yeap you appear to be correct...atsa stinker. might wanna invest in revalver or something of the sorts, any intermediate-range guitar plugins will sound better than the pod, and you'll have the flexibility of tracking DI's.
yeap you appear to be correct...atsa stinker. might wanna invest in revalver or something of the sorts, any intermediate-range guitar plugins will sound better than the pod, and you'll have the flexibility of tracking DI's.

I'm actually thinking about selling my 2.0 & maybe buying a pocket POD or a guitar port just so i can use pod farm
no but seriously, podfarm would be infinitely better than what you're doing now, for the following reasons, and other pod hardware unit users take note:

1. your cpu can easily handle the same modeling algorithms that, 11-ish years ago when the pod 2.0 launched, were really only practical to home users in a hardware unit. so the sound is actually much better, WORLDS better than the hardware pod2.0, due not only to modern improvements in the modeling algorithms, (again...pod 2.0 is 11 years old) but also because there is no conversion taking place during the modeling process. as it is now, your guitar DI signal is hitting the pod, being converted to digital (very poorly), modeled in the pod, converted back to analog (again very poorly) to be sent to the line outs, then into the mediocre at best mbox preamps, converted back to digital again in the mbox (also poorly, but not as bad), and then sent to protools. by using podfarm, you cut out that entire conversion nightmare which is where the sound is really getting mangled. ...that, and...again, the pod2.0 is ancient. Line6 has come a loong way with their modeling technology since then, and pod FARM 2.0 just launched a few months ago, and sounds really good.

2. tracking DI's, after you do it once, you'll never go back. editing DI's, especially in protools with elastic audio, is babytown easy and ridiculously powerful. the other arguably biggest advantage to tracking DI's is that you have the flexibility of not comitting to any tone, ...ever, really. you can change your mind infinitely without ever re-tracking anything.

3. kids on this forum go bannanas over podfarm.