Advice on cleaning up this rhythm tone.


80's Thrash > *
Nov 28, 2010
Boston, MA
This is just an arrangement mix of one of my songs. There's a bunch of cut/paste and the playing isn't the cleanest or tightest. I'm nowhere near done with it, but sick of arranging right now and figured I'd work on the tone.

Two guitar tracks, HD500 Treadplate, 80% pan and DKFH with no plugins/effects/otherwise other than my standard drum PC and a hipass on the kick.

The drums are also a work in progress. The hats were driving me crazy so for the time being I just dumped them all to a standard light closed hit, so they're a tad boring. There are also a few fills that are a bit off, but fuck it.

Again, LOTS of copy/paste going on here and this isn't the final arrangement, or even close to it. I like where this rhythm tone is going and I think a bassline will obviously help a bunch, but it's still really, really dark.

Cheers guys.
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