Advice on current mix.......

Like the whole mix! like Burny said, keep it that way, it sounds great...

Drums are hard hitting, and everything seem to fit in place...

Oh, and i do like the vocals..
Thanks for your comments guys!

Seizure...what is it that you don't like about the Bass? What would you change?

Burny.....Is it the style you don't like or the tone/vibe etc..... What would you change?

Thanks again for your critiques guys! They are really appreciated! :headbang:
Well, what bothering me is that is sounds like "fake" screamings. I'd try to trash it a bit with mean pumping compression and a light distortion (steinberg magneto or psp vintage warmer, something like that), but that's just me.
Mix sounds great. Everything slots into place nicely. I'm a bit iffy with the bass too. I just think it sounds a bit too flat.. there's no real punch or balls to it. Having said that, I think when all the instruments kick in, it fills the range nicely... just when its playing solo, it doesn't do much for me.

Great work man.
Thanks for the advice guys!

Yeah....I may have to trash it a bit. Actually the bass intro was the original scratch track the bass player laid down. He re-tracked his part but the band didn't record to a click, so he could never get his timing right.o_O We left the intro that way, then the re-tracked bass kicks in with the guitars. I'll post a new version with the intro trashed and see what you guys think. Thanks again for the help! :headbang: