Advice please - polyrhythmic chugga

The guitars have no balls what so ever. The tone is somewhat there but there isn't any ass behind it. I would either added another pair of guitar tracks to it or re track them and turn the gain up some. I would also cut some of the "honk" out of them as well as they are pretty nasal sounding. The bass sounds almost non existent as well, if there is any bass. The drums sound decent. I wouldn't touch the drums until you get the guitar and bass sounding better, then you will have a better idea of what you will need to do the drums.
As Robert said, the guitars need a LOT more presence. It sounds like passive pickups with the volume knob almost all the way down and just a hint of gain. The playing gets pretty repetitive, but that's just me.
Thanks a bunch for the input, guys!

Interesting that you suggest more gain...I'm always reading to go easy on the gain and how easy it is to overgain metal guitars. I'm a guitarist, but I guess I have poorly trained ears.

Anyways, I upped the bass a bit, increased gain a bit on the guitars, and narrowed my guitar eq cuts at 700 and 4k. Hopefully it sounds better, but honestly, I can really only hear the louder bass? rev2.mp3