Advice... This is driving me crazy


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2014
Ok so... I record through virtual amping, Pod Farm UX1 to be precise... I have seen others on the tubes using ux1 and sounding decent.

My problem is nothing tone related, but rather... technique possibly...

I can REALLY hear my pick attack in the playback, not while I am playing though, which is odd ( I really listen out for it too).
Here is an example... listen for pick attack in the riff...

How do I prevent this atrocious sound?... it is driving me up the wall! I pretty much play a perpendicular angle and 45 degree with my pick, both of which deliver me this horrible scratchy sound...

any tips? (i would rather not have to resort to EQ because that comes at a cost tone wise)
Quite a few factors come into play with guitar tone. For starters, I agree I hate EQ-ing so I would approach your tone with at least two cab simulations for your rhythm tracks. The thickness of your pick plays a huge part as well does as your pickup for the entire tone. Thicker picks have a dryer tone (great for sweep picking), and thiner picks give a better attack.

Honestly your current guitar tone is way to damn bottom heavy. Try a high pass of something like 80hz and sweep the low end of the guitars with a very high Q setting to removes its overbearing low harmonic resonance and see how that sounds. If that doesn't fix it, try a different cab(s).