AETERNUS' the latest update from Ares


Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
Norway's dark death metal band Aeternus will finally release their new album "A Darker Monument" on May 5 through Nocturnal Art Productions. "A Darker Monument" was recorded at Greighallen Studios with producer Pytten (Enslaved).

The following is the latest update from frontman Ares:
"Greetings everyone! Well, soon we have reached the release date at least here in Europe and soon in USA as well and I guess a little 'Hail' and some news and shit won't hurt too much. I hope those of you who gets your hands on 'A Darker Monument' will be satisfied. We are totally satisfied at least, this product is totally our best one so far. Check it out if you believe me, if you don't...check it out won't regret it at all.

One question I know many of you have out there is about us touring and doing gigs. So far, nothing in the shape of a tour is planned. We will first do a gig here in Bergen before we start thinking of Europe. When, I don't know! I am in contact with people who will help us out and we will come to Europe and do gigs here and there. Some places/lands will be left out and that's of course just the way it is. So, I won't give you any clues on where we'll be playing. America is this one place we've never played and to all of you who's waiting down there for us still, be sure that we'll look at all possibilities for us to get over there...for sure. Just know it's harder and it takes more money than usual to get something going over there....

Stay fucking metal and hopefully we'll be playing where you live shortly after the summer... Gigs has 1st priority now so......Get ready! We'll might be comin' before you now it!"

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