Affliction Banned

Jun 26, 2004

I figured I would give you guys the skinny on what it was like to play the Affliction Banned event on July 19th. Of course it was awesome!!! All of you that were able to attend, cheer and scream for us really made the day. I was wondering how well we would be received in a fighting event, but I think with each song we played the crowd in general started to cheer along with Megadeth fans (very cool). Another difference was the wait in between the three songs. It's very easy to get up, play one song and then walk off the stage, but it also allows you to cool down in between each song and lose focus (for me it made me feel anxious just like we were playing a new show with each song). Meeting the fighters was an event in itself and gave me even more respect for what they can do. In all, this was a great show to play and anytime Affliction wants to do this again I would be more then willing. Now it's time to write the next CD,

Take care, Chris.








Awesome Chris! I can't wait to hear the new album.

Man, the guy in the back of the first pic really takes away from the badassness of it.
Thanks for the Behind the scenes Chris - always interesting to get that different perspective and it was nice to see some pro-shot tunes from the pay-per-view! Liked to have seen a little more camera time on you though (ha!). One of my guilty pleasures being pro wrestling - loved the pic of you & Undertaker. Look forward to hearing a new disc & your contributions to it as well!
Great pics Chris! I think it's cool you got to hangout and meet some wrestlers and the Undertaker isn't that much taller then you:heh:

I think you can give him a run for your money :heh:

Thanks for sharing Chris!