Afgrund - swedish/finnish grindcore


Everything on eleven!
Aug 11, 2006

this is my new band, I play the drums. We just recorded an MCD and it will published through a label and I'd like your input on the sound.

About the recording:

Drums are about 50/50 sample vs miced except bassdrum 100% triggers. I used samples of my own drums to preserve some naturality.

Guitars are Ltd Viper vb400 baritone with emg81 -> boss ns-2 -> boss hm-2 -> Fender dualshowman '89 -> marshall lead 1960 cab -> rode ntk -> presonus firepod. + everything the same except for the distortion pedal is boss ds-1.

Bass is: Ibanez bass with active emg's -> ibanez ts7 -> fender dualshowman -> marshall bass cab 1984 jcm800 -> ntk -> firepod + DI sound for clarity.

Vocals are rode NTK and they are distorted a bit with the Preamp plug in in digital performer to give a little edge.

Hope you guys like it! (It's not the usual 5150 w/tubescreamer kind of sound)
the guitar tone reminds me of bloodbath. Kick ass all around. I wish the snare had more reverb on it, it's just a hiar too dry for my taste. Also, the mix could use some lows/lowmids, it's lacking. Very hi-fi sounding top end.
Yeah the snare is a bit too dry. I'll add some more reverb to it and raise the bass guitar a bit. I was kinda expecting something like this. thanks for replying!
very nice! very cool songs...
the production is very good for a grind/crust type sound, i just thought the guitars too bassy, overall is very good!

i'm a fan of swedish bands and couldn't pass it... loved your band

hey, check my band (sig link) we play the same kind of music and we are preparing a MCD too, maybe we could do a split...

Sounds like rotten sound! and thats gooooooodddd hehehe..

Working on a grind/DBeatband of my own aswell, we should have something finished at the end of february, and this should be total rottensound/nasum/Skitsystem Worship hehehe
i noticied rotten sound influences too

rottensound/nasum/Skitsystem all of the best grind crust!! :headbang:
wow. didn't expect this much of replying!

You're a day late my friend! We got a band to split with us yesterday. I dunno if I can announce the band so I won't yet. All I say is it's REALLY good and from sweden ;).

yeah there's some rotten sound/nasum influence, well they use the hm-2 too and they play grind/crust. Mieszko was IMO the most unique producer nowadays. His records just didn't sound 'normal'. It's really sad, he passed away in the tsunami catastrophe...

Boss had some pretty fucked up dist pedals made '83! boss heavy metal is really fucking obscene and grinding, It's not even funny.

I liked your band too massili! grindygrindy!
Mieszko created 4 masterpieces of the grind core, he was a god in the grind core scene! helvet is great (production and songwise)

Maybe we could do a brazilian release of our bands, we have some labels in touch we could see what happens
Good stuff man, I can definitely hear that HM2 gargle. It sounds very good overall and the music has that apocalyptic feel somewhere between HHIG/Tragedy and Hiatus maybe? Anyway very nice, well done.
wow. didn't expect this much of replying!

You're a day late my friend! We got a band to split with us yesterday. I dunno if I can announce the band so I won't yet. All I say is it's REALLY good and from sweden ;).

Yo keesi!

This is a realy ruff mix off of least grindy song, if your interrested in hearing:)
Mix is almost untouched so bare with me here hahaha