After just hearing the latest ARK news

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Kinda taken from the Conception thread...

On the Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles website it says that Jorn is now back working with ARK. How much of that I believe, not much, but lets just suppose.

Would I be the only one who does not like this news? I mean, Jorn basically screwed them to begin with and now he is back. I was looking forward to a breath of fresh air in the band, but it does not seem like that is going to happen. Yes Jorn is a good singer, but he is too all over the place, it makes his voice less special. Lets not forget how horrible Masterplan was...ugh... Plus he has a way of making music sound sooo 80ish by they "yeah" and "baby" etc.

Personally I was hoping that Goran Edman (sp*) (who sang on the Karmakanic cd) would join, maybe even Andy Engberg.

Discuss, flame me, whatever. I just cant believe he would be taken back.
ive still hardly heard anything from ark.. that one song i mentioned before i LOVED, but then i heard a couple of others i thought were ranged from ehh to argh!.. so i dont know.. i like jorns voice when he is just singing normally..when he goes into what i call the 'yodel' though, god i hate that..
Maybe Jorn screwed ARK... I don't know... I'm not privy to the inner workings of the band. But I'm glad Jorn is back. He is a GREAT vocalist (even if it is annoying that he seems to be everywhere... including a lot of substandard material), and I couldn't imagine anyone else singing for ARK. He is an integral ingrediant to the band that makes the music special.

I also like Masterplan, though not nearly as much as Ark.
Maybe it's time someone told Jorn to quit playing games and start making the third Ark album then.

I wouldn't think from reading his lyrics the man would be more interested in only performing where the so-called money is. (How long will masterplan last anyway?)

And oh yeah, I'd trade Kamelot for Conception any day of the week too..
ScottG said:
(How long will masterplan last anyway?)

Why should it NOT last, dude? It's not a superband or something, Roland and Uli are going along ever since 1994, the only thing I'd change in the band is the lame-ass keyboard player!