after the roth soundboard...

I can only use these samples for xbox live.. damn shame i live in holland, as i would LOVE to call some people i know up with these sort of soundboards..
I tried it once, one of the Arnie soundboards.. i call a friend, go apeshit with the soundboard and all i get is a "fuck off bob" on the other end.. then he hangs up.. fail.
I can only use these samples for xbox live.. damn shame i live in holland, as i would LOVE to call some people i know up with these sort of soundboards..
I tried it once, one of the Arnie soundboards.. i call a friend, go apeshit with the soundboard and all i get is a "fuck off bob" on the other end.. then he hangs up.. fail.

Psshh, what a spoil sport :lol:

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