After you die...

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
Don't ask why, but we were sitting down having a smoke break at work and somehow got on the subject of what you could do with a body other than the traditional burial, cremation type stuff. Here is a list of what we came up with...yeah its morbid, but funny if you think of some really outrageous stuff.

My idea; be shot into outer space. How? Think model rocket. Before rigor mortis sets in, form my arms into a circular shape, like I'm holding a barrel. Get a metal phone pole, and stand me at the bottom with my arms around it. Strap a big ass rocket on my back. Light it. Run like hell. With my luck I would hit something on the way up and screw up my trajectory. Prolly end up wedged head first into the great plains of Canada....

Others ideas:
1. Left out in the desert for the buzzards and coyotes :ill:
2. Be cremated and made into toilet seats that would be used in the Playboy Mansion.
3. Skinned and dried and made into paper
4. The ultimate door stop
5. Being bronzed and made into a lawn jockey
6. Cremation followed by a mixing of the ashes into racing fuel, and finaly being run through a top fuel dragster engine as it goes down the 1/4 mile.
7. Bait

If you can think of any, please post them!
Buried face down so the world can kiss my ass.
Brasied lightly and served with a side of farva beens.
Drug through the streets of Somalia
Drug through the desert of Afganistan after falling out the back of a chopper to later have your body recovered and your capters killed by your buddys in the Teams.
Be skined and taned so your tattoos can be on display for ever. (this actualy happened)
Be reincarnated as a girls bicycle seat.