Agalloch Ashes Against The Grain booklet


Crimson King
Oct 16, 2004
I just got AATG about the week ago, but i noticed, in the booklet the tracks are in the wronger order (first 5, 678, then 1,23,4), seems like they stapled the 2nd sheet the wrong way around. anybody else noticed this? is it intended this way?
Does anyone want to buy my boxset for an exorbitant sum? This album blows. Especially compared to Pale Folklore. So fucking boring.

"The Grain" is the only track that can hold my attention. Fuck that.
Does anyone want to buy my boxset for an exorbitant sum? This album blows. Especially compared to Pale Folklore. So fucking boring.

"The Grain" is the only track that can hold my attention. Fuck that.

i agree. the grain is the best! it's so vivid, life-like, energetic! really the highlight of the album!

if you were not joking, i'd defintely want to buy it... but not for an exorbitant amount of money. people that sell those records for an exorbitant amount of money should be hanged on the highest tree...
i agree. the grain is the best! it's so vivid, life-like, energetic! really the highlight of the album!

if you were not joking, i'd defintely want to buy it... but not for an exorbitant amount of money. people that sell those records for an exorbitant amount of money should be hanged on the highest tree...

I'm 100% serious. I am not impressed by the direction they took with this album. And music doesn't have to be any of the things you said up there to be enjoyable, well-thought-out, or quality.

And can you blame me for liking money? Hit me with an offer!
I'm not sure why everyone harps on about Pale Folklore as Agalloch's best release. Indeed, great album from one of my favourite bands, but it's let down by the production, and compared to the other full-lengths, there's not much variety to the styles of songs. Then there's the operatic vocals... but then again I don't like any female operatic stuff in metal.

Still, hell, I'd take Pale Folklore over almost anything else in metal.

I could've made a tidy profit if I just ordered two copies of all the rare stuff I've bought over the years, but that's a bit of a cuntish thing to do.
Eh, I bought the AAtG box fully expecting to love the album and keep it forever. Not my fault the band let me down so hard.

And for what its worth, the production on Pale Folklore is fine. This is metal, grow some g'damn ears! :loco:
The production was a little quiet and muffled. For some bands a rough production suits the atmosphere far better than a clean and clear production, but not so much for for Agalloch IMO.

Pfft, your own expectations let you down hard. ;)
well i also used to think PF was their best, and in the beginning i had a really hard time getting into AATG.

AATG was really a grower for me, now i love it. seeing them live definitely changed a lot for me.

also because of this i wish i would have gotten the boxset when it was still available, but i didnt because i thought i'd like PF better, tried getting my hands on a PF LP but didnt work. i think paying/asking those big amounts for an album this short after release is ridiculous.

well at least there is one of the AATG LP's on its way to me now :)

i wouldnt pay more than 40 dollars for your boxset. you can probably get a lot more on ebay.

oh and i switched the 2nd sheet in the booklet around, now everything is in the right order :)
I'm not sure why everyone harps on about Pale Folklore as Agalloch's best release. Indeed, great album from one of my favourite bands, but it's let down by the production, and compared to the other full-lengths, there's not much variety to the styles of songs. Then there's the operatic vocals... but then again I don't like any female operatic stuff in metal.

Still, hell, I'd take Pale Folklore over almost anything else in metal.

I could've made a tidy profit if I just ordered two copies of all the rare stuff I've bought over the years, but that's a bit of a cuntish thing to do.

worst sounding record IMO. good songs, but the production makes it nearly impossible for me to give it any credit.
why would you sell something you hate for a shitload of money?

too bad really, it's an excellent album

Agreed. Not only that, in my opinion, by FAR their best. Agalloch is one of the finest bands ever.

Bloodbirds is a fucking masterful song. Limbs is probably still my favourite song, and Not Unlike The Waves...Fire Above, Ice Below = brillaint!!!

And lets face it, the Grain IS absolutely amazing in the context of the album - great ambience and atmosphere, but to say it's the best song on the album is, well...I guess people are totally missing the point.
Agreed. Not only that, in my opinion, by FAR their best. Agalloch is one of the finest bands ever.

Bloodbirds is a fucking masterful song. Limbs is probably still my favourite song, and Not Unlike The Waves...Fire Above, Ice Below = brillaint!!!

And lets face it, the Grain IS absolutely amazing in the context of the album - great ambience and atmosphere, but to say it's the best song on the album is, well...I guess people are totally missing the point.