Agalloch Parts Ways with TER


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
taken from the myspace:

Having fulfilled our record contract with The End Records, we have decided not
to renew with them.

We thank The End for 10 years of hard work and dedication. Our three full-length
albums will continue to be in print for as long as there is a demand for them.

Agalloch's immediate plans are to remain low key, work on new material, and look
towards the future.

this is huge! I bet they're gonna get a ton of offers...hopefully they'll get a bigger contract that'll give 'em an opportunity to properly tour North America
I must say, seeing Agalloch 4 years ago was epic

The venue was practically empty. Opeth being the next night probably didn't help.
I must say, seeing Agalloch 4 years ago was epic

The venue was practically empty. Opeth being the next night probably didn't help.

Was that the tour with Novembers Doom and the Gathering? I saw them on that tour, same club as Opeth the night AFTER they played here. Same deal, empty venue. But damned if I was about to pass up what might be my only chance to see Agalloch on such a brief tour.
I was wondering if they'd ever leave that label. I'm sure that no matter who they sign with, they'll probably still continue to make great music.
Was that the tour with Novembers Doom and the Gathering? I saw them on that tour, same club as Opeth the night AFTER they played here. Same deal, empty venue. But damned if I was about to pass up what might be my only chance to see Agalloch on such a brief tour.
Yeah it was that tour. :kickass:

I left during The Gathering though tbh