AGENT STEEL- Order Of The Illuminati



Just got this yesterday and it is a killer album. Anyone into Nevermore would like this as the music is HEAVY but with melody, twin guitar soloing and plenty of high wailing from another good vocalist. Taking their last album OMEGA CONSPIRACY one step further...the new album deals with some intense subject matter as we are being overcome by the powers-that-be who seek to control every aspect of our lives and make us human slaves. I'm not a spokesman for the band but just a fan who likes great metal. This would be a perfect disc to check out before you buy the new NEVERMORE.
"This would be a perfect disc to check out before you buy the new NEVERMORE"
well, ahh,humm, you sound like the record dick weeeezell!
I think we shall purchase Nevermore's CD first,then pay for handjobs off of your wife then sister.just a plan for I ...voyag...
Sell your snake oil somewhere other then .....
The last album was shit, this needs a better authourity than an unregisted for me to waste time with it.
Omega Conspiracy slays .... killer speed metal, with great riffs and a powerfull voice.
I hope the new one will be as good as Omega...because it is impossible to be as good as the legendary "Sceptics Apocalypse" , or "Unstoppable Force"
A better authority than UNREGISTERED...I'm hurt. Who cares. Your negative comments are worthless and mean nothing to me. Omega Conspiracy was a great disc and this new one is even better. The old stuff is classic but I try not to compare the singers. It's all excellent music.
This topic was for people who actually enjoy good metal and if no-one buys the disc it's their loss. I already got mine. the record dick weeeezell! has spoken. SPEW ON or better yet, don't waste your time. ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI slays and those who are interested should look into it.
yeah lyrics are excellent
only have

"Unstoppable Force" and omega


there good as an l.a band