Is that the 50 gallon cichlid tank you were telling me about?
Won't they nibble at your little froggie's legs?

I was going to get a replacement for Mr. Vlad (my pretty betta...he bailed from his tank a few weeks ago) today...but none really caught my attention :(

I might get an emerald green one online somewhere...maybe...but I don't think I really need any more pets *laughs*
I've had so many buddies die this month...so I'll contribute to the AAAHHHHHH theme of the thread...yep...:(
Heres Vlad...my pretty:


Sugar/Lumpster the Dumpster dog. I rescued her a few years ago from the street:

ANd about 25 guppies...gorgeous ones that I've bred/bought...They contracted some flesh-eating fungus from a few males I bought at a local aquarium. I tried everything, but it wiped them all out :mad:
But I don't have any good photos of those. :cry:
Uh...I like nevermore!
Bacchante said:
I've had so many buddies die this month...so I'll contribute to the AAAHHHHHH theme of the thread...yep...:(
Heres Vlad...my pretty:


Sugar/Lumpster the Dumpster dog. I rescued her a few years ago from the street:

ANd about 25 guppies...gorgeous ones that I've bred/bought...They contracted some flesh-eating fungus from a few males I bought at a local aquarium. I tried everything, but it wiped them all out :mad:
But I don't have any good photos of those. :cry:
Uh...I like nevermore!

You mean finrot?

Ever tried to clean the whole tank, used new filtermaterial! and from there, started to add medicine to the water?
I had to do that because i had hole-in-the-head-disease in my tank.


It worked for some of the fish, atleast it didn't kill the entire tank.
Cichlids get it very easily and it's hard to cure.
I lost my fav female Rainbow Krib, due to hole-in-the-head- disease.


I don't have a tank anymore :cry: but i will buy one, one of these days.
I can't do without a fishtank. I'm thinking about a mangrove tank.
No cap -just a lamp above the tank for the plants- , half full of water, amfibians and catfish only. Lotusplants, mangrove roots and epyphites, such as bromelia's, etc. Maybe at the end of the summer..
yea...he was soo purdy :cry:

The guppies did have fin rot, but it was incurable..
I tried salt baths, maracyn 2, Jungle fungicide, Melafix and Pimafix...and nothing helped.
(mind you, I did these all separately for the allotted amounts of time) :)

It really sucked...they were just eaten alive by whatever fungus got in the tank. It was fucking terrible.
The water parameters were fine, too... I ended up euthanizing most of them in a vodka solution because they were dying horribly (btw, this method is instant and painless..it basically lulls them to a drunken sleep).

I know the disease came from that one pet store, because I went there a week later and saw 2 guppies displaying the same symptoms as mine.
I was pissssed.

I think your plans for the new tank sound pretty sweet. Do it! :>
Edit: Luckily, i've never had to deal with the hole-in-head disease...It sounds pretty terrible :(