Ahhnold + Brazil + 80's + Carnaval = Embarassment to everyone!

Hahaha Arnie was such a horny toad back then.......uhm, and still is with all those kids of his.......:lol: "It's notta Tuma" :lol:
"Rio de Janeiro, one of the most beatiful cities in the world"
Undeniable proof that those gringos don't know better and/or are blind :p

And btw, that video is so fucking ridiculous and hilarious :lol:
The accent of the woman saying 'amor' is so faked it gets to the point of idiocy :p and she taught him 'goodbye' wrong :loco:

@yanko: That whole dancing stuff is funny as fuck, even if there is no austrian bizarre guy dancing with the women as bitches :lol: